- Damn them for name dropping Raven like that without her showing up.
- Holy shit Red X! Great way to bring back Dick Grayson and resolve that storyline, actually.
- Now I want to see more of the Titans in this show.
- I do not care much for the Macaroni, so I'm fine with that random development. Besides, knowing this show, Alfred will be back some time working for Bruce again anyway.
- Yay! We're gonna get Harley and Lois working together! Now I'm really looking forward to the next few episodes. I was thinking of saving the last 5 episodes up and binging them but I don't think I'll be able to wait now lol.
DC Studios
Welcome to DCStudios, a community for discussing all things related to DC TV/Film productions including,
- DC Universe (DCU), the universe created by James Gunn & Peter Safran.
- Batman Epic Crime Saga , the shared universe for Matt Reeves's The Batman.
- DC Elseworlds projects, typically standalone.
- DCEU, the now ended shared universe that started with Man of Steel (2013), sometimes called the Snyderverse.
This community is a place to discuss, share and generally have fun with all things DC Studios.
Upcoming DCU Film:
- Superman - Jul 11, 2025
- Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow - Jun 26, 2026
- Clayface - Sep 11, 2026
Upcoming DCU TV:
- Peacemaker - Season 2 - Aug 2025.
Upcoming other projects:
- The Batman - Part II - Oct 1, 2027 (Batman Epic Crime Saga)
DCU Discussion
- Creature Commandos - Season 1 (Dec 2024)
Batman Epic Crime Saga Discussion
- The Penguin (Sep 2024)
Elseworlds Discussion
- Harley Quinn - Season 5 (Jan 2025)
- Watchmen (2024) (Aug/Nov 2024)
- Joker: Folie à Deux (Oct 2024)
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I love a good murder mystery, even when it's not actually a murder mystery.
I do hope we get more Titans, if not in this show, maybe a spinoff? I mean we got Kite Man, why not Teen Titans?
I hadn't even thought about that but a Teen Titans show in this universe and written by these writers would be freaking amazing. Dick and Kori together already push boundaries with dialogue in some other adaptations that I've seen lol. Well it's mostly Kori that isn't shy to make it clear that they have a wild sex life, with Dick kinda stumbling over his words and getting embarrassed but it's still funny.
I think that setup would be great. Like the Titans show or the animated movies with Dick and Kori as the 'dad' and 'mom' of the group, trying to rein in unruly, super powered teenagers.