Darren, if it weren't for all the thuggish imbeciles of the world, there'd be no one to do your dirty work.
US News
News from within the empire - From a leftist perspective
Ooh, eugenics is one of those things that get me so riled up. Usually people are better at decorating their words so they don't sound quite like this, but he's so mask-off. There's nothing I can really add because he said all the things wrong with his argument, just he and his people think those are positive qualities of it. "Lack higher reasoning and moral faculties" so this guy by contrast has high moral faculties? Maybe I'm just falling into the trap by getting worked up, but this guy is fucked.
I mean. It's something to definitely worked up about. America has always been nonchalant in the violent action towards minorities, miscegenation, etc. You are right though; it's been since the days of late 1800s very early 1900s harvard/yale types promoting it in the mainstream. Even then, they tried to mask it/flower it up with "science".
This fella is just straight up touting it as a final solution.