Nooo rip. How do you eve- wait, ur only level 24... Ohh that's why
Pixel Dungeon
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I had one run where I did slightly better...
I beat Yog but then died due to being on fire before reaching the door
That should be a hidden achievement! DM3000's gas can definitely result in a posthumous kill.
Aw man, everyone pour one out for the man!
They should have poured one out on themself!
Yeah, but not a fire potion!
That sucks. Happened to me once last month and I haven't mustered the courage to play since.
Eh, it is just a game, you play when you feel like, no pressure. You do you!
Of course! I just mean that dying this late into a run is very much a big morale hit. I'll play again when I feel like, which tbh should be soon
I feel like this is the saddest failed run I've seen. Man, 3 HP.
It hurts to see this
Yog could have had 1 or 2 hit points only. That would have hurt more. Right? Right?
4 charges on cloak skill issue... jk 😜 so close though!
Rather 0 health pots skill issue.
Did you have any aggression stones left over? Absolute best for the final phase