Listen here jack, if ethnic cleansing is wrong then why do I get paid so much to do it?
United States | News & Politics
Biden, you absolute wilted parsnip, you just helped hand the country to the fascists. Fuck all the way off.
Nobody fucking cares about trying to circle jerk your legacy - which, to once again be crystal clear, is headlined by “being so goddamn out of touch that the fascists won the election”.
As if he isn't fascist himself
"Wilted Parsnip" does describe him surprisingly well.
Whatever you say, genocide Joe.
Joe Biden is the worst president since Andrew "Sharpknife" Jackson, and both Obama and W are war criminals, setting high bar. A truly impressive record. I look forward to peeing on his grave in a year or two when he croaks.
Reagan made the shovel and Jim Crow Joe dug the hole for the US empire. Just waiting for Trump to cannonball them in, inshallah.