this post was submitted on 22 Mar 2025
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So like, obviously it's fair to still be mad about the Armenian genocide or fall of the USSR. So I'm more looking for little things most people ignore but You're hung up on for one reason for another.

I.e, my salt would be

● EA buying the developer of dungeon keeper and turning it into a crappy mobile game (I know someone made their own version like the old ones but still)

●In fact actually just the fact that big studios bought up a bunch of immersive Sim IPs and then killed them, either remaking them worse of draining them of all their original charm (Deus Ex, thief, prey*

I know prey got a good remake but that was 90% unrelated to the original prey and Bethesda got that by specifically killing the company making prey despite the fact that they had a functioning product)

●Subscription services being everywhere

● JJ Abrams in general and his stupid mystery box specifically

●Disney in general, and that their live action remakes are such a hit despite being so garbage

● The really annoyingly pervasive idea that a writer is in conflict with their reader and needs to beat them/not care about them (i.e, Emil Pagliarulo's paper airplanes, Steven Moffats obession with besting the audience in his Sherlock remake, Alex Aster's obsession with trying to make sure people won't predict her twists in her Lightlark series, etc.)

●The fact that I'm always told to "just use uber" when I say I don't like having to drive when it's both stupid expensive and the company is the bane of my existence


(Yes part of this post was just me venting, sorry)

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[–] [email protected] 0 points 3 days ago (4 children)

KOTOR 3 was never made and instead we got a single player game in MMO form (SWTOR) that was really badly managed for like 10+ years now and that made mockery of the main characters from KOTOR in how hamfisted its inclusion of them was. Part of what makes it grating is the storytelling in SWTOR is not bad exactly, but it's clearly made worse by being part of an MTX and lootbox infested MMO that was cobbled together with bad management in its development and is riddled with bugs and poor infrastructure design. It's clear that it was made by people who understand single player games best, but they made an MMO instead because reasons. Oh and on top of that they tried to emulate WoW in aesthetics and came out with something more cartoon looking than realistic, which just bothers me personally on visual preference.

A small thing, really, but it's a good example of how capitalistic "all-the-profit"-chasing took something popular and turned it into a shallow cash cow. Similar arc with the Assassin's Creed series, but much more gradual in that case. What started out as more of an adventure game with story as the primary focus eventually became "open world" repetitive gameplay with "let's see if we can get you to spend in the store" as the focus and story in the back seat.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 3 days ago (1 children)

I really enjoy SWTOR but I fully understand why people are mad that it replaced KOTOR 3. And badly managed is right, they blew their load with the Knights of the Fallen Empire stuff and ever since the plot's just been a total mess.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 3 days ago (1 children)

I genuinely enjoyed some of the class stories, but even at their best, they felt held back by the MMO shell for me. I don't begrudge anyone liking it though, preferences are preferences. I've had times I sunk quite a bit of time into because it was close enough to KOTOR vibes, but I also got burned multiple times by bugs and bad management and unwanted changes all around. And yeah, KOTFE was... well, jeez, I could get into a whole thing about that alone lol. I don't think the story of it was bad exactly, but it threw out so much of what was already there, took forever to get it back, and the gameplay was padded to hell with never-ending fights to stretch a little bit of story into something longer.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 2 days ago (1 children)

My primary problem with KOTFE is that the story seems to believe that my Consular wouldn't wipe the floor with Vaylin and Arcann. I fight demons motherfucker, you think I'm scared of those kids!?!?

[–] [email protected] 0 points 2 days ago

That's a fair point. One of the problems of them mushing all of the class stories together. Classes like Smuggler get scaled up in power and classes like Consular get scaled down.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 3 days ago (1 children)

Imagine making the most expensive game of the time, using one of the biggest IPs, as sequel to one of the best selling series of games, and deciding to make it an inferior clone of WoW.

Then they wonder why it couldn't keep their players.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 3 days ago

Great example of combo of greed and unrealistic "visions". If they'd just aimed for something solid and sustainable of its own kind, they probably could have done it and gradually built a strong audience on IP fame alone. Instead, they aimed for the next solar system and made it to the corner store. Millions sunk into enormous amounts of voice acting, vain attempt to compete with the most popular MMO, and they couldn't even field a solid multiplayer infrastructure for mass player events. And then they did so bad at launch and the people in charge had so little faith (or money probably) in them to turn it around, they booted tons of people and had nowhere near the resources needed to continue the class story arcs, so they shrunk it down enormously and eventually had to go F2P/MTX to make it work.

I'm convinced if it wasn't "the only star wars MMO" with the easy money-making that brings, it would have shut down long ago.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 3 days ago (1 children)

that made mockery of the main characters from KOTOR in how hamfisted its inclusion of them was

Right, Revan from SWTOR had nothing in common with the one from KOTOR.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 3 days ago (1 children)

Also bugs me about Revan that (spoiler warning for anyone who hasn't played them):

spoilerBy SWTOR giving him and the exile a set gender, it kinda trivialized the point of the first two games keeping that as a player choice.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 3 days ago (1 children)

Character creation in KOTOR1 was absolutely brilliant move tbh especially for its time, made people never suspect the biggest plot twist.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 2 days ago

Yeah, it was great.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 3 days ago

Damn, yeah. KOTOR got given such a short stick after the first game. And it sucks cause the 2nd is great (although even with the patch it's very obviously unfinished)