this post was submitted on 26 Feb 2025
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More people heading over to Brave
Brave promotes a crypto scam and is run by a homophobe.
I mean idk if it's a scam but their crypto sure went down since the start and they're hiding this fact as much as they can
Except the google scan BS and their shitcoin, it's pretty good. Not the best, but probably better defaults than firefox
BAT is a scam because its value proposition is 100% bullshit. We already tried pay-to-surf in the 1990s and the problem was that it's a Turing test - not the payment mechanism.
It went down because it's a scam, not vice versa.
Chromium plus theft.
If the creator doesn't join in a certain time then you get your crypto refunded but yea it's a pretty dumb feature to have
Brave sucks