Digital Art
Community rules:
Be respectful and considerate in comments.
No deliberately offensive or inappropriate content.
Traditional artists and posts are also welcome here.
All posts must properly credit the original artist.
Please use the tickbox to mark any NSFW content.
No A.I. generated dreamscapes for now, as those are at best unethically sourced in the current state.
No furry related art.
How to post:
Please follow the convention of the images already uploaded so far i.e.:
Image title by Artists Name
In the description link the source to the image, and also include a direct link to the artists gallery. See previous posts for examples.
What to post:
You can post your own work here, but avoid spamming.
You can post your favourite peices here for us all to enjoy.
All artworks are copyright of the artists named in the posts.
Artists gallery links may contain NSFW works.
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Just a community question: Why is there a rule against furry art?
Oh thats a tough one, i dont like it but ive seen a major community divided over it before. It comes down to not the art but the size of the furry community, they are more prolific in general, so theres alot more of it, but the genre is not really understood by the general art community, which is comparitivley smaller in terms of posting. So we decided against it here, to keep moderating easy, and since there are likely already other dedicated communities for that anyway. I hope that makes some degree of sense. I dont mind linking a good furry community on the side bar near that rule if you would like to suggest one though.