Shitty Life Pro Tip
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Maybe you should figure out a safe place for him to stash his weapon while in your home, so you can relax when emotions flare during the game, and he can feel safe on the street.
It’s not that I’m really that nervous about it. I just don’t see the need or justification. We’re literally doing one of the lowest-stakes activities one can do. It’s like those assholes the open-carry assault rifles on public street just to exercise the right. I hardly think he’ll do anything with it, but why have it to begin with?
I was assuming he felt unsafe on the streets coming and leaving. I would worry about an accident where it falls or something. If he insists on wearing it in the room, it must be some kind of penis substitute for him.
To add to this, I’d do a quick google search for free gun locks in your area. Some places give them away