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As deadly heatwaves become more common, researchers are studying what the human body can tolerate.


Human voices evoke more fear among animals living in the South African savanna than do snarls from lions. Researchers set up speakers near 21 water holes, which played one of several sounds when triggered by animal movement. When they heard humans, giraffes, leopards, elephants and 16 other species were twice as likely to run as when they heard growling lions, barking dogs or guns. The researchers suggest that recordings of human voices could be used to keep animals away from areas where a lot of poaching happens.

A few funny bits from the article :

“The elephants gave us a lot of headaches,” Dr. Clinchy said. In one video, recorded at night during a lion playback, an elephant smashes the recorder, the camera goes black, and elephants trumpet as they leave.

Once, departing by truck after two hours assembling and elephant-proofing a recorder, Dr. Clinchy and Dr. Zanette realized that lions had secretly been making their own field observations of them.

“This female lion from across the water hole stood up from the grass and walked away,” Dr. Zanette said. “She was there the whole time!”

Full article below :

Panting after chasing the impala now in its jaws, a leopard drags its prey to a shady spot beside a water hole. Before it can sit down to feast, a voice, seemingly out of nowhere, begins speaking calmly. “It is very difficult to talk in Afrikaans …,” begins the bodiless voice. The leopard pauses, glances toward the source of the sound and then drops its hard-earned quarry and runs.

This leopard has unwittingly abandoned its lunch in the service of science. Researchers analyzed thousands of video recordings to reveal a hierarchy of fear in a suite of mammals living in and around Kruger National Park in South Africa. While lions have been nicknamed the king of beasts, the videos show that for wild mammals on the savanna — from tiny antelopes to massive elephants — the scariest, most lethal predator of all is us.

The sound of human voices, the researchers found, evokes more fear than the sounds of snarling and growling lions. This underlines that our species is recognized as uniquely dangerous, “because we are super lethal,” said Michael Clinchy, a conservation biologist at Western University in London, Ontario.

The researchers hope that understanding this universal fear of humans could assist the goal of preventing wildlife poaching.

The study the videos are drawn from, published Thursday in the journal Current Biology, is the latest in a series by Liana Zanette, also of Western University, and Dr. Clinchy, whose team studies fear. Dr. Zanette, Dr. Clinchy and their colleagues have shown that it’s not just being eaten, but fear of being eaten that creates profound effects rippling from individuals to whole communities. So turning to the savannas of South Africa, where a diversity of mammals have evolved for millenniums alongside lions and human hunters, Dr. Zanette and Dr. Clinchy were curious: Where did humans rank on the scale of scariness among these mammals?

Working with local colleagues from South Africa and other collaborators, the researchers set up equipment that has tested the fear responses of various animals. The motion-triggered automated behavioral response systems record video of passing mammals as they respond to a mix of sounds on a spectrum from potentially scary to harmless.

The researchers attached recorders and audio speakers to trees near 21 water holes, habitats that thirsty animals are reluctant to leave during the dry season, when the research took place. The devices ran 24 hours a day for six weeks, playing clips of sound types in random order when triggered by movement.

The benign sounds — the control in the experiment — were the songs of local birds. The more threatening sounds were dogs barking, gunshots, lions snarling and growling and humans talking calmly. ImageLiana Zanette holds a gray electronic box in her left hand as she attaches it to a tree trunk. She smiles at the camera, and a speaker with a cage over its front is tied above the camera trap to the same tree. Liana Zanette, of Western University, with the experimental setup affixed to a tree, the camera trap in her left hand and the speaker playing lion noises above it.Credit...Clinchy et al., Current Biology Liana Zanette holds a gray electronic box in her left hand as she attaches it to a tree trunk. She smiles at the camera, and a speaker with a cage over its front is tied above the camera trap to the same tree.

The human voices included women and men speaking in Tsonga, Northern Sotho, Afrikaans and English, gleaned from selected South African news clips — with a smattering of soccer, of course, in case mammals were short on sport.

The researchers paid close attention to equalizing the volumes for all sound types, so that any potential scariness was a result of content, rather than loudness. To achieve this, they used the sounds of lion snarls and growls instead of their much louder roars.

The team chose running away as a behavioral measure that was common and easy to measure. Each video was scored for speed at which an individual animal ran and the time it took to abandon the water hole.

Analyzing more than 4,000 videos, focusing on 19 species, revealed that when confronted with humans talking, animals were twice as likely to run and would abandon water holes 40 percent faster than when they heard lions, dogs or guns.

The contrast in flight response to human voices and lion snarls and growls was pronounced in most species, including giraffes, leopards, hyenas, zebras, kudus, warthogs and impalas.

Like the other mammals on the savanna, elephants fled when they heard human voices.

“They just high-tail it out of there,” Dr. Clinchy said.

But when it came to their response to lion sounds, the elephants were a notable exception. Instead of fleeing, elephants ran toward the source of the sounds, in some cases smashing into the devices violently.

“The elephants gave us a lot of headaches,” Dr. Clinchy said. In one video, recorded at night during a lion playback, an elephant smashes the recorder, the camera goes black, and elephants trumpet as they leave.

Aggressive reactions by elephants to lions are well known, said Karen McComb, a University of Sussex animal communication researcher whose team did acoustic experiments on elephants in Kenya. Hearing lion sounds, she explained, elephants often bunch together, defending babies and advancing toward audio recordings of lions.

“They never did this to our playbacks of human voices,” Dr. McComb said. “Elephants are large enough to be able to mob and drive lions off,” she added, but against humans armed with spears or guns, approaching could be fatal.

In the new study, researchers were intrigued by the responses of rhinoceroses. Rhinos fled human voices twice as fast as they did lion sounds. And during the period of the research, five highly endangered Southern white rhinoceroses were poached from nearby reserves. So one of the applications the team wants to explore in future research, Dr. Clinchy said, is whether using human voice playbacks could keep animals away from fence lines near roads, where a lot of poaching happens.

Chris Darimont, an ecologist at the University of Victoria in British Columbia who was not involved in the study but reviewed the paper for the journal, praised it while noting that its focus on sounds was a limitation. He hoped future research would incorporate olfactory cues.

“We might expect to find even more stunning impacts of humans given the nature of smell, the enormous sensitivity of smell by mammals, and the ways by which smells can linger,” Dr. Darimont said.

Ishana Shukla of the University of California, Davis, who is studying mammal responses to human disturbances, complimented the study’s breadth. By looking at the reaction to human disturbances in the whole mammal community, she said, “we can get a bigger picture of what’s actually happening to the system, instead of just one moving part.”

As for the lions of Kruger, they appeared unmoved by the human interlopers using their snarls for science.

Once, departing by truck after two hours assembling and elephant-proofing a recorder, Dr. Clinchy and Dr. Zanette realized that lions had secretly been making their own field observations of them.

“This female lion from across the water hole stood up from the grass and walked away,” Dr. Zanette said. “She was there the whole time!”


@science Making more magnetism possible with topology

> MIT researchers found evidence that topology can stabilize magnetic ordering, even well above the point at which magnetism normally breaks down. Their work reveals how topological structures known as Weyl nodes found in an exotic semi-metal can significantly increase the working temperature for magnetic devices.


Climate-driven extreme heat may make parts of Earth too hot for humans. A study findings revealed that a rise of 2 degrees Celsius above preindustrial levels would subject the 2.2 billion inhabitants of Pakistan and India’s Indus River Valley, the one billion individuals in eastern China, and the 800 million residents of sub-Saharan Africa to prolonged periods of heat exceeding human tolerance each year.


Scientists Use CRISPR to Make Chickens More Resistant to Bird Flu. Avian flu has killed countless farmed and wild birds. Scientists worry that it could acquire mutations that help it spread more easily among humans, potentially setting off a pandemic. This new study highlights both the promise and the limitations of gene editing


Dose was 0.05mg/kg administered every other day.


Apparently, a strain of influenza, B/Yamagata, went extinct, perhaps because of COVID. Go figure.


The commercial success of RNA vaccines for COVID-19 has revved up interest in circular RNAs as the next generation of therapies. This is because linear RNA molecules have a fleeting existence inside cells-which is not a problem for it's function as vaccine, but for other therapeutic applications longer existence is preferable. This is where the circular RNAS come in.


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Yes, I know, we know this, all of this, but it's good to see it documented like this.


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"This is the first-ever observation of entanglement between a pair of quarks and the highest-energy measurement of entanglement. Apart from the fundamental interest of testing quantum entanglement in a new environment, this measurement paves the way to use the LHC as a laboratory to study quantum information and other foundational problems in quantum mechanics."

The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is the world’s largest and most powerful particle accelerators with a 27km circumference with over 9,000 magnets that can generate 9 billion collisions per second.

There is even a [email protected] project where you can contribute your computer’s spare computational power to analyzing the huge mass of data this project generates, no PhD required! Each year of operation generates approx 30 petabytes of data, equivalent to 1.2 million bluray disks.


Like rivers feeding oceans, streams of gas nourish galaxies throughout the cosmos. But these streams, which make up a part of the so-called cosmic web, are very faint and hard to see. While astronomers have known about the cosmic web for decades, and even glimpsed the glow of its filaments around bright cosmic objects called quasars, they have not directly imaged the extended structures in the darkest portions of space—until now.


When a microbe was found munching on a plastic bottle in a rubbish dump, it promised a recycling revolution. Now scientists are attempting to turbocharge those powers in a bid to solve our waste crisis. But will it work?


In the 19th century, miners in southern Spain unearthed a prehistoric burial site in a cave containing some 22 pairs of ancient sandals woven out of esparto (a type of grass). The latest radiocarbon dating revealed that those sandals could be 6,200 years old—centuries older than similar footwear found elsewhere around the world, according to a new paper published in the journal Science Advances. The interdisciplinary team analyzed 76 artifacts made of wood, reeds, and esparto, including basketry, cords, mats, and a wooden mallet. Some of the basketry turned out to be even older than the sandals, providing the first direct evidence of basketry weaving among the hunter-gatherers and early farmers of the region.


ABSTRACT: The independent modulation of visible and near-infrared light by a single material, termed dual-band electrochromism, is highly desirable for smart windows to enhance the energy efficiency of buildings. Tungsten oxides are commercially important electrochromic materials, exhibiting reversible visible and near-infrared absorption when electrochemically reduced in an electrolyte containing small cations or protons. The presence of structural water in tungsten oxides has been associated with faster electrochromic switching speeds. Here, we find that WO3·H2O, a crystalline hydrate, exhibits dual-band electrochromism unlike the anhydrous WO3. This provides a heretofore unexplored route to tune the electrochromic response of tungsten oxides. Absorption of near-infrared light is achieved at low Li+/e– injection, followed by the absorption of visible light at higher Li+/e– injection as a result of an electrochemically induced phase transition. We propose that the dual-band modulation is possible due to the more open structure of WO3·H2O as compared to WO3. This facilitates a more extended solid-solution Li+ insertion regime that benefits the modulation of near-infrared radiation via plasmon absorption. Higher degrees of Li+/e– insertion lead to polaronic absorption associated with localized charge storage. These results inform how structural factors influence the electrochemically induced spectral response of transition-metal oxides and the important role of structural water beyond optical switching speed. REFERENCE:ACS Photonics 2023, 10, 9, 3409–3418


India’s Chandrayaan-3 rover has found sulfur on the Moon’s surface at higher concentrations than previously seen. Sulfur, a useful resource, could pave the way for future Moon bases

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