Forth Programming

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Forth is a procedural, stack-oriented programming language and interactive environment designed by Charles H. "Chuck" Moore and first used by other programmers in 1970. (Wikipedia)

founded 2 years ago


I have recently made a GForth eval bot which you can use in ##forth channel on . It's pretty much in beta state right now and has some weird rough edges. you can run arbitrary forth code using !gforth prefix.

feel free to give me some feedback :)


Found this community, saw no posts. Why not start off by letting us know what FORTH you use in the modern day?

I know there's GNU FORTH, and variants like 8th, which I downloaded ages ago but haven't really used. I like the idea of FORTH but haven't had the itch to write anything in it (I need to get over my current fascination with APL first, I guess, so I can try out FORTH again someday ๐Ÿ˜€ )