
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 year ago (1 children)

You mean people with opinions that don't align with your own?

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (4 children)

Research Central Bank-issued Digital Currencies (CBDCs) and specifically the so called "programmable money" parts of them. Central Banks and states are creating stuff like money that has an expiration date or that can only be spent on certain approved products and services.

Cash is privacy and no one can estimate your "climate footprint" based on its use while their class keeps on riding their private jets to World Economic Forum and other oligarch conferences.

This is not some futuristic stuff. All big countries are heavily invested in CBDCs, have pilot programs and some are already using them.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 year ago (2 children)

I don't get what you're trying to say. Did you forget to add a "yet"?


I hope this belongs here, since it's not a news article.

I live in Europe and I've mostly been the guy people listened to when they admitted to not feeling well informed on international conflict situations like the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and US/NATO's more secretive and subversive conflicts/coups and backroom deals with autoritarian regimes around the world, all in the name of democracy and freedom.

Can't help it, I'm curious, I like reading books and I think connecting the dots is rewarding for my ADHD. The NATO connections to post WWII-nazis, GLADIO and other stay-behind groups, the CIA ties - it was all thrilling and interesting, but unfortunately part of our reality. During the Wikileaks days even the people most critical of my assessments came and admitted that they were wrong and that they now understood they had been duped. And now, they said, "we know better". They all went back to reading the very news that consistently lied to them.

There still was a semi-reliable left/left-centrist press in Europe that you could point the few normies allergic to "not verified by authority" reporting to, mostly written by a few journalists who didn't bend as much to pressure of falling in line with drumming for the democracy exporting business.

What happened? Of course the big media companies always always bent to the will of the warmongering establishment but there were always some sane voices doing somewhat decent investigative journalism targetting the common narratives, even if just to be able to deflect criticism by pointing to their work. How did they get rid of almost every sane voice? Did the mostly senior editors just die off/retire?

Today I am surrounded by people telling me obvious lies with a blind conviction of almost religious zealotry that can often be debunked with 2 minutes of research in spite of the downfall of major SEO and "24/7 breaking news repitition" infested search engines.

I always knew that most people wouldn't spend the time on research to get an understanding of how this world functions and that Western democracy and liberty are basically strawmen that can be weaponized against anyone who stands in the way of Western interests. But I also always knew that I could rely on some people being receptive of well sourced information. My convincing of some people of course didn't put a dent anywhere but you at least felt like it was still possible to reach people and breakt through the programming.

Even the people calling themselves antifascists are now ignoring the obvious neo Nazi-ties of Ukrainian Banderites while chanting OUN slogans. People are openly calling for censorship of the Internet in the name of "safety" and if you equate "fact checks" by the very people opposed to investigative journalism with the obvious risks of centralized Ministries of Truth being erected in front of our eyes, they vehemently disagree and demand that "freezepeach" must come to an end.

I've never been this worried about the world I'm living in. The US and Western elites are hellbent on provoking a war with every nation that's no longer willing to bend to their unipolar world order, with Europeans taking the brute of it, whether it be economically or, should the war escalate, even on future frontlines.

Is there any serious opposition left? How do you cope with the reality we're headed for? I've never been an optimist but I managed to keep my pessimism in check, until now.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 year ago

I can't recommend the Google TV/Chromecast if you have to interact with multiple apps or plan on using the Discover screen or search. The remote is finicky and feels cheap and the device itself is totally underpowered for Google TV. Its Amlogic SoC is slow as fuck and often drops frames and the 2GB of memory are barely enough to keep the bloated interface in memory while the storage is often full even after just installing a few apps. It has gotten a bit better after even Google had to admit that performance was abysmal but the optimizations just fixed the most obvious shortcomings.

I have sinced unsubscribed from all streaming services and just rely on the put.io app on Google TV to handle my media consumption needs and it is good enough for that. So if you just need the Stremio app (which I haven't used myself) to access local content, you should be fine. I never saw it struggle with 4k HDR content nor did I encounter A/V sync issues.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 year ago (4 children)

I don't think that's a terrible way of getting started. Your subconscious will do the rest at some point, unless you're really not interested at all (which isn't a problem either). :)