Vom Inhalt her stimmt das, aber die Worte sind eben nicht bedeutungsgleich. Stell dir vor, ein Kind liest das und erzählt dann in der Schule über "Neger". Da würde man als Elternteil wohl schon einen besorgten Anruf bekommen.
This is not the type of "AI" the article talks about.
Oh yeah, US courts justifying their continuous rights abuses of foreign detainees is absurd and should be legitimized by no international judgements.
One more reason to not extradite Assange. Let him sit trial for everything else he's allegedly done in countries with humane criminal justice systems, but do not subject him to either Manning's, or worse, as you say, non-citizen's torture in places like Guantanamo Bay.
Most things last very long if stored properly. People tend to not do that, though. Probably why low-maintenance, high-permanence formats tend to keep the best.
How are you arriving at that idea?
Yeah. Obviously people of any gender can commit rape, and though the statistics may be dominated by male perpetrators, that fact is enough to not make the legislation gender-specific.
He should go to prison if he's guilty of rape, he should definitely not go to prison for Wikileaks.
Assange is a bit of a scumbag, but unrelatedly, his efforts for freedom of information should not land him in US torture prisons like many others.
I mean, I don't know what Denmark would attack with artillery anyways.
Not the least bit surprised he's an Australian politician. You guys have the weirdest politics, I remember Scomo shitting himself in Engadine, Katter equating gay marriage and crocodile attacks and the late drowned Holt getting a memorial swimming pool.
Dafür muss man sich aber auch erstmal mehrere Käsegefrierer besorgen. Vielleicht gibt es die ja bei einem anderen Einsatz zu klauen.
Clearly because the pope's too woke.