This would make a good "What if?" for XKCD. In a frictionless vacuum with two spheres the mass of the earth and a bowling ball how far away do they need to start before the force acting on the earth sized mass contributes 1 Planck length to their closure before they come together? And the same question for a sphere with the mass of a feather.
You have an old favorite team-up of Germany and Japan?
I've got some bad news for you...
Wasn't there also the thing where he offered a horse to a masseuse if they'd give him a happy ending? A couple days before the story broke he made some statements supporting Republicans then said "watch the left come up with a story to take me down now that I'm a Republican," or something like that. All his political shit has been downhill and ever more unhinged since.
He was always saying side-eye worthy shit, but in a generic rich guy way. His political stuff, before the horse thing, was always progressive-ish. Whether that was what he ready thought, or as the biggest shareholder of an electric car company he knew which side his bread was buttered on, I'm sure I don't know. But it seems like trying to preempt the horse story was the turning point for his public persona.
Yeah, I'm probably being too optimistic.
That might be their outlook on "local" pollution for a while, but you don't think going from 20 years left to centuries to live might affect their opinions on global climate change?
To me it looks like the green from the iris bleeding in due to low resolution, not yellow.
Might be the only way to get them to give a shit about the environment.
I've known a couple of vegans that wouldn't eat it. One was disappointed to learn a drink he liked contained it. But he stopped drinking it.
Do I want to know what a virgin boy egg is?
I wonder how much more it would cost to just donate or throw away your printer every time it runs out of ink and buy a new one. Printers are sold at a major loss to lock you into their ink. It might be worth the expense to know your costing these pricks money.
I remember my parents civilly disagreeing about H.W. vs. Dukakis, and later H.W. vs. Clinton. There was never a problem there, just a civil discussion and a difference of opinion. But if either of them was a MAGAt, I think they would be spending their last decade or two apart, and they'd be better off that way too. Shit has been on a while different level the last 10 years, at least.