I think you've confused what "male gaze" refers to:
With you only.
No one's talking about power itself, but of its' monopolisation.
You're not making any sense. We're not communicating. Take care.
I didn't ask what a class traitor is.
I didn't ask what a class traitor is.
I see where the confusion lies. Let me rephrase:
"We" cannot prevent power or exploitation so the question is moot.
That's not an answer to my question.
I'm neither saying nor implying that.
Why are you asking me that?
Well, you're wrong.
Ah! So now you're changing your tune! Not "preventing" but "limiting". Best of luck, maybe you'll get to reality in the end.
Yes, you have
I disagree.
Yes, exactly that.
LOL so you believe there is "a ton of historical and anthropological evidence of societal structures that prevent" people gaining power over others? You believe there have been "a ton" of human societies with no exploitation? You have no idea what you're talking about.
That's what democracy's supposed to handle.
There are distinct differences of capitalism and feudalism.
Oh I see! Distinct differences! LOL