Waifu games. That I like.
I made a very generous donation to Krita a week ago, which was $10. They seemed happy about it.
Thanks a lot for your idea! I'm thinking of drawing a version where the 'smart' ghost suggests go through the door and get the key. The key dropped on the floor inside, and the two sitting on the floor outside again, frowned and not knowing what to do.
I might be selfish for saying so, but if anyone set up their mind to run anything on a 32-bit system after 2038, they must care enough to compile themselves, right? Any binaries compiled today will be EOL by then.
Never have I had more than one sex partner.
I think it looks correct now.
And considering they are already picked up, we should rotate panel 3 by 180 degrees.
Have you heard of vacuum decay?
I know, right? They barely make consumer grade products that last nowadays.
Where can I claim the money that is equal to the number of upvotes of my comments?
When knowing a rejection is destined, I would rather disappear and see the crush be with someone else. A hope which has been shot down is a scar for life, whereas an attempt never made painfully warms my heart forever.