
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 day ago

whoa, that makes so much sense! I always interpreted it as "Fandom Tax", which was confusing as Gen Z doesn't really do fandoms anymore

[–] [email protected] 19 points 3 days ago (4 children)

I find AI summaries so damn tedious to read, they just keep repeating themselves over and over again :(

[–] [email protected] 11 points 4 days ago (2 children)

Dude I WISH an AI would do all the dumb AWS crap for me so that I could just hang out and build React frontends all day

[–] [email protected] 0 points 4 days ago (1 children)
[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 week ago

Jambon-Beurre!! With some freshly baked warm Ciabatta-esque bread 😍

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago

I know, my brain is just very unhappy when it registers one :') I am getting better at it tho, only cried a little bit the last time a moth made it into my apartment

[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 week ago (1 children)

e-Bikes are crazy nowadays. Their original concept of "you get a little motor in your pedals to help you climb hills" has been killed by an arms race of "hey, our motors are the strongest! Our bikes are the fastest!"

My parents recently bought new ebikes with the "best" specs and they're awful. You basically can't touch the pedals without being catapulted forward, even at the lowest setting. And they drive them set to the highest speed all the time because more speed === better ???

I get that when you're driving to work or something you want to be fast, but they're only using those bikes for leisure.. so like who cares whether the bike goes 25 km/h or 15 km/h? ~~God forbid your morbidly obese ass gets some actual exercise~~

Which is why the eBike I bought recently is a 2010 Raleigh Pedelec. The supporting motor is super gentle (people in 2010 would have been freaked out by today's ebikes) and it doesn't really go over 20-25 km/h. It belonged to a 80 year old woman originally. That's exactly the kinda vibe I'm going for haha

[–] [email protected] 55 points 2 weeks ago (3 children)

Is this like, some weird parent "lesson" thing you're actually supposed to fake? Like maybe you're supposed to put some vinegar in the good jar to prevent mold growth, and the goal is to make your dumbass children behave?

[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

I am down to respectfully admire any snake, but moths freak me tf out sorry

[–] [email protected] 19 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)
[–] [email protected] 18 points 2 weeks ago

Narcolepsy time :33


I'm so confused, is this a new thing?? I was looking for German People's experiences with Narcolepsy and Google suggested a Reddit thread about athletes with Narcolepsy. It was in German, so I just assumed it was a German author, but it quickly became weird when the author said "you" instead of "y'all" and mentioned upping his running miles every week.

I checked at the top any yep, there was a little "See Original" button that translated the post to English.

Am I alone in thinking that this is kinda weird and icky? Like this are people speaking about their personal experiences, just pulling their words through automatic translation can kill so much meaning and context. Not even to mention that it makes the search engine result useless for me, as I was specifically looking for German posts :/

Relatable Rule (
Lunch Pizzas! (

I've been messing around with my Pizza Dough recipe for the past 3 days 🐱

The goal was to scale the recipe to two portions (∅25cm) that taste best after around 16-24h resting time. I like my dough fairly thin, but more chewy than crispy. I also go heavy on the toppings, so it should have enough structure to hold them up by itself after the first two bites or so. Most Pizzas here are topped with 250-ish grams of chicken, pickles, pickled red onion, bbq sauce and whatever canned corn-mix I had on hand.

image: Pizza

The first Pizza had way too much dough, and I had it in an initially cold pan on a pizza stone. It stayed very soggy in the middle 😕 I also only put oil in the pan, no flour. So it got super stuck.

image: Pizza 2

The second one was light years ahead, way thinner dough and I blasted the pan on my induction stove until it sizzled before putting it in the oven without a pizza stone. The bottom turned out exactly how I like it!!

It still got a little stuck in the pan, as I used oil and too little semolina flour.

image: Pizza 3

Pizza 3 was the best one! I went very heavy when coating the pan in regular flour (instead of semolina, i dont like the texture) and pulled up the crust on all sides so that it wouldn't stick so much. It didn't, and I kinda like the look! This one I also blasted on the stove beforehand and put in the oven with no Pizza stone.

The (current) dough recipe:

  • 150g Pizza flour
  • 150g water
  • 1 tsp olive oil
  • 1/8 tsp dry yeast
  • 6g salt
  • 3 tsp vital wheat gluten (sold as Seitan base)

-> mix everything to a very watery crepe-dough consistency and let sit for 20-30 mins

-> add 100g more flour and knead to a Pizza dough

-> let rest for at least 12h, but 16-24h is even better

-> bake it as hot as your oven will allow, mine has a Pizza setting that does 250°C

I'll probably tweak it even more when I get into the mood for half a week of Pizza again 🐱 I'm thinking that I should be able to get the exact same result from using regular 403 flour but with 4 instead of 3 tsp of the vital wheat gluten. But I might have to scale up the water as well in that case, hmm

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