
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 10 months ago

Not piracy, but if you're in the US and get a library card, you can use the Libby app, which has tons of free audiobooks on demand. Definitely worth it, imho. You can download for offline use easily too, which makes it excellent for travel.

Piracy? I've been converting my epubs into html files and then using the edge browser's excellent voice to text to read it out to me, but that's my own special brand of insanity.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Well, I tried, but my preferred distro (vanilla os) had some catastrophic installation issues, and I reinstalled Windows on my main a couple weeks ago out of frustration.

I think this means I'm back in the closet?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (3 children)

As a cis, heteronormative male, I appreciate this community. I'm not trans, but I relate. I have dreams that I'm a woman, I read nothing but girl love manga, every drawing or painting of myself I've done I'm a woman, I'm migrating from windows to Linux, everyone I used to tour with back in the day is trans.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 year ago

The situation in Ukraine is quite different from WWII bombing raids. Russian attacks are spread out, less targeted, and generally less devistating in secure, Ukrainian held territory. I disagree that Ukrainians should be sheltering at all times, or that if they choose to leave the house they are less deserving of anyone's pity when they are murdered.

You would almost certainly be walking to the corner store, or attending a social event if you lived there.


Yes, I know that it still exist, and yes, decentralized currency which utilizes distributed, cryptographic validation is not actually a strictly bad idea, but...

Is the speculative investment scam, which crypto substantially represented, finally dead? Can we go back to buying gold bars and Pokemon cards?

I feel like it is, but I'm having a hard time putting my finger on why it lost its sheen. Maybe crypto scammers moved on to selling LLM "prompts?" Maybe the rug just got pulled enough times that everyone lost trust.