So are you looking to connect storage to it and run local media or are you looking more for a streaming thing to play Netflix and such?
She looks more like she accepted a drink from a stranger and now needs her friends around her to rush her to the ER....
Come aboard and bring aloooong
All your hopes and dreams!
Ich bin ein Teamleiterich!
May you keep your innocence forever. It's a rare and valuable gift.
Through the back that is. You threatened the cop b farting on the run after all
That's not raw,.it's fucking boiled. No frying pan in sight I guess.
See, that's a thing AI ought to be useful for once. "Hey, CringeGPT, summarize these videos for me that make me nauseous out of sheer cringe"
Yep, that's exactly it. I wonder how many ppl can't quit masturbating, start to believe that they are addicted to porn/masturbation and start feeling bad accodringly, while all there was to their "addiction" was loneliness they tried to fix with the wrong tool.
Well, I'd say at least less exploitation than the raw capitalism the US has right now.
The funny thing is that the Allied powers helped establish a nation that has fixes for many problems the US faces right now, both constitutionally and economically in 1949.
Germany's economy calls itself "social market economy" and acknowledges that the state has to interfere with "the market" whenever the developing power gradient in capitalism threatens to stomp the weaker. Does it work perfectly? Of course not! Nothing does on that level. Is it in danger of being hollowed out by capitalist fuckfaces constantly? Absolutely. Yet the model might give.some ideas.
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