Halt die Klappe!
Basically I see two options:
This works for advertisers and based on your "profile" you are strongly influenced by the ads shown to you. So might just as well give your data to Meta and Google, who already sell profiled (and not individualised) ads.
This doesn't work for advertisers and you are not strongly influence by the ads shown to you. So the advertisers could just as well put a link somewhere and hope it is found by their target audience.
Also I don't my browser, my OS or any other core component on my system to be in bed with people who are trying to extract as much money as possible from me.
There are radio stations, financed through ads. And they check if people are listening by calling random persons to ask them what station they are listening to.
So this is a viable business model and nobody is stopping anybody from putting plain pictures and links on sites and just estimate the page visits, but online advertisers want to know more. They always want more.
At the same time, a browser is the essential software to browse the web. So this is as if your TV was like:
Yo, many people mute their TV during commercials and don't pay attention, which kills the poor networks. So I made a deal with advertisers and will check what your doing, while I provide unmutable ads , but don't worry, your privacy is very important to us and we only care about providing to you the best TV experience possible.
Mmhhh, Bolognese
Immer wenn ich denke es ist aus, zieht ihr Nudeln mich wieder rein!
Thank you for being genuinely interested in the opinion of others and for explaining culture differences.
Knuspriges Sauerteig- oder Vollkornbrot finde ich persönlich besser, kann hier aber auch andere Geschmäcker akzeptieren.
Mmhh, Dschagetti Bodjonaise 🤤
Username does not check out, I guess
Du kannst essen was und so viel du willst... aber du erleidest die Konsequenzen
I... I think the mind trick is working on me. Which would imply that this actually is what I was looking for...
Which means not I, but Obi Wan was the degenerate pervert the whole time!
Halt die Klappe!