
joined 1 year ago

brown-white cat staring at camera


Hiya, you can call me medvedev. I'm 13y old with ASD. Recently my parents renovated bedroom where I (before renovation and my parents) and my sister sleep. I cloud say that it is my ¨comfort zone¨ since there's my computer which means I've spent most of my time there. I know that they've renovated it for us (me and my sister) to feel more comfortable but now it feels unnatural to be in it. It doesn't have same feeling attached to it. It feels kinda uncomfortable to be in it. It'll take some time for me to adjust to it... is it just me or and some of you feel resistant to changes in your ¨comfort zone¨?



I'm 13y old that was recently diagnosed with ASD. School is starting soon, they surely haven't changed nor a little bit. They're just bunch of idiots that like to express their pain and anger on others. Or just fool them for fun. Reporting them does nothing (have been doing that for almost 6 years). It's like reporting system in CP (Club Penguin), no one is even sure if it even does anything. I never do anything to them, I just stare at them or do something else. That I have blank face or sound calm dosen't mean that I'm calm. When I answer in short sentences that either means that I don't have inspiration to talk or that I hold lots of emotions in me. And, about blank face... I ALMOST ALWAYS HAVE BLANK FACE. I almost never express my emotions on my face. So, should I just throw a tantrum without caring for consequences or act tought. Does entire community of ASDers need to act like douchebags just to not be an easy target for bullying?!

P.S I've posted this in c/autism because I feel like this problem is deeply tied with my personality. -medvedev-