
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 0 points 10 months ago (5 children)

Eh I understand the long term apathy and eventual giving up.

They cant keep winning votes by just not being republicans. They will always not be republicans and eventually people are going to want more out of them.


This is pretty fascinating in that the speaker studied traditional architecture such as gothic vaulted arched ceilings and applied the traditional masonry and construction techniques to concrete. With the use of arched construction you're able to use proportionally much less concrete to create similarly sized structures and since the strength of the structure is enhanced by structural form rather than just the strength of the concrete, the structures can last a longer time.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 11 months ago

Yeah a little bit of a shame how inconsequential the pairings wound up being, but still a fun outing. Also I enjoyed how both A & B plots dealt with AI threats with one being silly but existentially deadly, and the other AI being superficially deadly but relatively harmless.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 11 months ago

I used to be with it until they changed what it is. Now what I'm with isn't it anymore and what's it is weird and scary. It'll happen to you!

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

I think the thing thats frustrating about the conservative baby shaming game is that they could probably easily get more people to have kids if they supported social programs that would make it easier. Thinks like universal childcare and student loan debt forgiveness.

And that's on top of the ludicrous cost of living in a lot of the country. But even if you move into a more affordable city you still have the cost of student loans and if both parents work the cost of childcare. And the cost of childcare is insanity. Like ten to twenty THOUSAND dollars extra a year.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 year ago

Over sexualization of minors is one of those things that can make it hard(and embarrassing) to be an anime/manga fan.

For high school characters at least(depending on the series) you can usually rationalize it the same way you might with an american show that hires adult actors. Theyre intentionally drawn in a more adult fashion and the characters themselves, while exhibiting cute traits are often still hyper competent and independent in a way that resembles college students more than high schoolers.

Is it still conceptually gross? Absolutely. It's something that you just get desensitized to and I dont think thats a good thing, but at least on some level I can see how it can be tolerated in SOME series depending on how it's handled, but I can also see how it's a deal breaker.

The full on child stuff full stop is gross. All the time. There is no desensitizing and I hate that its so goddamn common in anime and that it's so accepted. To the point that the community has a cute little term for sexualized children that they throw around. In any other community this would be a fringe dark corner of the hobby that never touches the more mainstream stuff, but in anime land it's front and center.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 year ago (1 children)

At the end of the day Florida is guaranteed 2 seats in the senate and due to their size it will be a long while before momentum moves to the point where their house numbers are low.

Republicans want this. They want people of opposing political beliefs to leave their state en mass. Lets not forget that up until recent conservative craziness florida was known as being the most infamous swingstate.

I dont blame people for leaving from an area where their kids will be more poorly educated, where local infrastructure is decentralized highway centric HOA built community hell, and where they may be actively persecuted. It's what the republicans want though.


Been trying to buy a house because my rent is going up(and it will continue to do so) and a mortgage would be around the same as what my rent will become in a few years anyway so I figure I might as well build equity and have a house for my family.

Thing is the current housing market is nuts. Houses are put on sale with strict deadlines of "accepting all offers due 12pm 5 days from now" creating a false sense of urgency and to top is off the process is super opaque. You dont know what other people are offering so unlike an actual auction you cant start low and hopefully get a good value. Nope it's a black box and the asking price isnt of any help because that was just an advertising tactic to get more people to look at the house.

So you have to do research based on past history of other homes sold in the area of the same type recently and then place a competitive bid based on that. Of course everyone else is also doing that so you have to make your bid "competitive" and give a little more. How much more is hard to say and you only really get the one bid. So 12 pm comes along and the anticipation in your stomach is insane because this could be it you could be a homeowner and you did put in a competitive bid, and then sometime between immediately and just before bed you get a message saying they went with another offer.

ITS SO DAMN FRUSTRATING! Houses that I bid $30,000 over asking price and someone still swooped in and bid even more. And of course since the process is a black box you dont get told what bid beat you out or what the other bids were(dont want the 2nd place bid to decrease their bid in the event the 1st place falls through). You'll find out eventual final sale price a few months from now when everything finishes closing. I imagine the issue is other people got frustrated with the game over the last few months and now if they see a house thats ok they go all in with their max offer instead of a smart offer.

Oh and the market is limited, but somehow out of sheer coincidence after one round of sales is done the realtors manage to find another round of homes to put on the market. I'm convinced the realtors are limiting the supply on purpose and letting homes trickle in because the ACT NOW PUT IN THE BEST OFFER OVER ASKING tactic probably doesnt work as well if there are more than a handful of homes for sale at a time.

Its so frustrating I just want a house to live in and raise my soon to be born child, and Im willing to pay you what you're asking for it! The worst part is the housing market in my area shot up a lot over the years. So these people playing bid wars are making 100k profit AT LEAST for a house they bought just 5 years ago! And then theres the old people who bought the house for pretty much nothing 30+ years ago

Sorry for my long wall of text rant

Pizza Night! (imgur.com)
submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Baked a classic cheese pie on pizza stone (I dont know why imgur thinks this is 18+ content it's just pizza)


Of course the first ending lost in paradise slaps on all levels. The up beat catchy tone combined with the low detail and absolutely charming animations of the characters as they rotate onto the screen is a blast.

Ending 2's song isnt as catchy but when paired with the visuals it instantly comes together to create this somber nostalgic short animation. The transitions from cell phone screen to actual events make it feel like someone reliving an old memory of days gone by. The scene then transitions through these haunting luminal spaces until it cuts to the camera again and one of the friends beckons the camera man to join them and be in the moment. There's a look on his face where he's almost in awe almost self aware that time with his friends in precious and fleeting. Then the luminal spaces fill up with people using them and transition from haunting backgrounds into warm memories and spaces.

The ending gives off an air of bitter sweet nostalgia. Theres something so haunting and sad about it while also being so uplifting and sweet. Seeing people hanging out, being in the moment, and enjoying relatively mundane but enjoyable time together doing chores or hanging out doing nothing.

It's celebratory of life almost in the way a funeral is with the remembering of good times past.