
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 days ago

Those people just happened to include a load Russia soldiers who happened to on holiday there.

Viktor Yanukovych being kicked out was by actural Ukrainians.

I don't see them the same.

Anyway, I'm done here. I keep ending up in these long threads with tankies / trolls from lemmy.world, life is too short.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 days ago (2 children)

Ukrainians can remove their leaders. Russia doesn't get to do that and they failed so far this time round. Though they have managed to seize yet more land.

Viktor Yanukovych may well have been elected fairly at the time. But he up set his people and then thought it was ok to authorize live ammo on his own people.


He may not have started as a Russian puppet, but he certainly looked like one at the end.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 days ago (4 children)

From vague memory and skimming Wikipedia: The president wasn't acting for the good of the country, but for the good of his puppet master. The number of protestors against the government significantly outweighed the pro-government protestors. The government lost any moral authority when they authorized live ammo against the protestors.

You have to squint very hard to see Putin's Russia as the good guys. They use dangerous poisoning, on foreign soil, against critics who leave Russia. Those who stay keep falling out of windows. They corrupt foreign democracies using troll farms and funding destabilizing elements. Internal democracy is a sham, Putin is Czar for life. Successful opposition politics are arrested and sent to crazy harsh prisons, where they get beaten to death if trouble continues. The list just goes on and on and that's just from memory and doesn't even include Ukraine.

Screw the Russian government. I hope the Russian people are free it one day soon.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 days ago (6 children)

Oh I skimmed it. Russia invaded following Ukraine's Revolution of Dignity, which was a anti-government uprising because the Russian puppet president won't sign a free trade deal with the EU. Russia claimed it was going in to protect Russian speaking pro-separatists. Only there was a lot of plain clothed Russian military on holiday there and the referendum was not free and fair by and standard above Russian.... etc etc.

Russia should have left Ukraine alone then and the west shouldn't have looked the other way when it didn't.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 days ago (8 children)

Hands up, no my area. I'm not a Ukrainian. I known a few. They tell me Russia attacked their country. As does ever news outlet that I trust. So yer, sorry random person on the internet, I'm going with their narrative over yours.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 3 days ago (10 children)

I'm sure if Russia wins, it will bring its conquered lands to highs of democracy the rest of Russia enjoys... and the citizens will absolutely notice the difference.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 days ago (12 children)

I'm sure those living in the seized parts of Ukraine are living in more of democracy now.... /s

[–] [email protected] 2 points 4 days ago

Generally I found it's best to not argue with the "wisdom of the crowds" unless you really know the domain, and even then, with care.

Sorry it doesn't say what you want.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 4 days ago

Yer it's nonsense. The first device I switched from Ubuntu to Debian on was the SheevaPlug because Ubuntu dropped support for it. Debian still supports it now well over a decade later.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 4 days ago (18 children)

Russia was the aggressor here. Ukraines wanted to go towards the west for a better life and protection from being further invaded by Russia. Putin is of the school of thought that Ukraine isn't real. But it is the people of Ukraine who decide that.

[–] [email protected] 12 points 5 days ago (20 children)

Oh we know. If Russia wins, Poland is next. Russia salami slicing started in 2014 with its first annexation of part of Ukrainian.


It too me a while to work out why my Nextcloud stuff wasn't working on my phone. It wasn't until I went to http://duckdns.org on mobile data I saw the block. I had changed ISP from one with IPv6, which I had setup, to an ISP without it, and thought it might be that. But it was just coincidence.

I've written to O2 but I doubt they will change anything, so I'll be changing network.

So heads up UK O2 self hosting people!


So I've got Android as I want. LineageOS, no Google, Magisk, MicroG but with AndroidAuto with OsmAnd+.

But the outside world of WhatsApp, Bank apps, etc is putting pressure to join. Plus not everything works properly with MicroG instead of the Google service provider. Makes me cross techno-politically, but I can't always hard life tech choices when it effects others.

So, what do others do? At the moment, I've thinking I need a non-free phone and a free-phone! Then what, I keep swapping SIM?? I can't see a workable VM solution to run a non-free Android in a freer Android.

The state of the phone market is pitiful.

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