
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 26 points 1 month ago

Fighting with Windows 11 introduced me to Linux Mint, which works perfectly! I'm not an OS geek, so I really don't care about the OS -- it's just the thing I deal with on the way to Firefox.

[–] [email protected] 25 points 6 months ago (2 children)

My 76 y/o spouse loves Linux Mint. The 2017-bought desktop was deemed insufficient for Windows 11 and now runs Mint.


Our (spouse and I) are in a few of these funds. Is there a retirement calculator that figures out projections of these always-adjusting funds?

The Fidelity "Monte Carlo" simulation seems to not adjust with them even though these funds do.

[–] [email protected] -1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

trains and busses that actually work and get people where they need to go with minimal hassle and a reasonable cost

Trains predate cars and busses have always been with us since the car. People have voted -- with their cars.

The Interstate Highway System started in the 1950s. Population has more than doubled since then. Of course, we have more traffic, we have more people!


Susan Oliver was playing a green-skinned Orion slave girl, but I had to test her makeup because she was too expensive and I was under contract already; I was cheap, they had to pay me anyway. The makeup they put on me was green as green can be, but they kept on sending out the rushes and we would get it back for the next day, and there I was just as pink and rosy as could possibly be. This went on for three days until they finally called the lab and said, “What do we do? We’re trying to get it green.” And they said, “You want that? We’ve been color-correcting.”

Excerpt from: The Fifty-Year Mission: The First 25 Years

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I (age 60) remember buying my condo in 1991 or so, interest rates about 7% with a VA-guaranteed loan. My parent's first mortgage was 2% or 3% but my mom, a Realtor, said those days were permanently gone. (They weren't. I had that in the house I bought in 2010.) But it felt forever at the time, and she thought it would be forever.

Nothing is forever. It may crash, but something else we can't imagine might happen too. I think we all agree the present situation is unsustainable.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 year ago (3 children)

If I am reading the situation wrong, I apologize.

The reason that I am not a member at beehaw was because they were overly wrapped up in concerns such as this one. I'm here for enjoyable chats with people, not to take sides in the latest macro-politics or causes or whatever lately is stirring the pot or making the winds blow. These things are fine and some people are interested in them, but I'm turned off by the idea of an instance that is particularly identified one way or another when I am not concerned with any of that.

What I'm looking for are kind souls that share an interest in technology and an instance that was widely federated so that a wide variety of my interest groups (music, weightloss, networking, ancient Stoicism) are available. That's why I joined here. SDF has been around a long time and many who have enjoyed its offerings have held many different opinions and yet shared this resource peacefully.

I'm particularly turned off by people that want a silo with only the right causes, only the right thinking, only the right speech.

That doesn't mean we shouldn't have management and protection of against those that are unkindly trolling or actively trying to do technical damage. Ban those actually doing evil. But if people of good cheer share different views kindky as neighbors and friends, I have no problem with that and don't want to see that roped off.

Remember the two rules of FidoNet? "Don't be excessively annoying. Don't be easily annoyed." That's all I'm saying.


cross-posted from:

We enjoy the Voila! Three Cheese Chicken from Birds Eye $6.49 But we add our own additional frozen vegetables (plain, 1 pound, Italian blend) and cubed boneless skinless chicken (marinated for a day, then cooked and cubed) to make it come out to about $2.25 per serving (4) and about 300 Calories.

For $2.50 in the added ingredients, double the yield and improves the carbs, sodium, and protein. The calories are virtually identical.

The 21 ounce Birds-Eye package says that it serves three, but in practice we find that it serves two. Add your own generic frozen veggies and cubed cooked chicken and you serve four.


The purchased flight was from Gainesville, Florida to New York City with a layover in Charlotte. The plan was for the teen to get off the plane in Charlotte where he lives. [... more in the article ...]

I fly rarely these days but skiplagging has always been tempting. Has anyone here done it?

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I worked at Intel Corp and there were many assessments and mitigations made, including some fixes. It was certainly a non-zero effort!