
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 3 points 9 hours ago

Or The Odin Project if you don't want to cover Python in the curriculum and just stick to JavaScript.

(The Odin Project also has an option for Ruby along with JavaScript)

[–] [email protected] 2 points 10 hours ago* (last edited 10 hours ago) (1 children)

A git commit is a snapshot. The node-based tree structure is an artifact of recording pointers to other snapshots and labeling snapshots with a branch name.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 day ago

Seems like you should make something less focused on games and solve problems in a different domain.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 days ago (3 children)

What have you made using Python so far?

[–] [email protected] 0 points 2 days ago (1 children)

I was just guessing based on the SwapWindow name. That you copied definition doesn't help me understand what it's supposed to do.

I'm surprised that [Super] + [Tab] and [Alt] + [Tab] aren't exactly what you're looking for because System(WindowSwitcher) seems like the name of something that would do exactly what you're after.

I haven't installed COSMIC, so I can't test it all out myself right now. But it feels like something that should exist as you described.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)
[–] [email protected] -1 points 5 days ago

I wonder if this is because hardware is so cheap now that a central source of reviews isn't all that valuable anymore. Also it seems like YouTube has taken over to capture the value that's left.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 week ago

Enjoy your Friday

[–] [email protected] 15 points 1 week ago (2 children)

Nice article.

why bother? Why I self host

Most of this article is not purely about that question, but I dislike clickbait, so I’ll actually answer the question from the title: Two reasons.

First of all, I like to be independent - or at least, as much as I can. Same reason we have backup power, why I know how to bake bread, preserve food, and generally LARP as a grandmother desperate to feed her 12 grandchildren until they are no longer capable of self propelled movement. It makes me reasonably independent of whatever evil scheme your local $MEGA_CORP is up to these days (hint: it’s probably a subscription).

It’s basically the Linux and Firefox argument - competition is good, and freedom is too.

If that’s too abstract for you, and what this article is really about, is the fact that it teaches you a lot and that is a truth I hold to be self-evident: Learning things is good & useful.

Turns out, forcing yourself to either do something you don’t do every day, or to get better at something you do occasionally, or to simply learn something that sounds fun makes you better at it. Wild concept, I know.


My Services
Why I self host
Reasoning about complex systems
Things that broke in the last 6 months
Things I learned (or recalled) in the last 6 months

  • You can self host VS Code
  • UPS batteries die silently and quicker than you think
  • Redundant DNS is good DNS
  • Raspberry PIs run ARN, Proxmox does not
  • zfs + Proxmox eat memmory and will OOM kill your VMS
  • The mystery of random crashes (Is it hardware? It’s always hardware.)
  • SNMP(v3) is still cool
  • Don’t trust your VPS vendor
  • Gotta go fast
  • CIFS is still not fast
  • Blob storage, blob fish, and file systems: It’s all “meh”
  • CrowdSec


[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 week ago (1 children)

He made up hypothetical scenarios that nobody asked about, and then denigrated Rust by attacking the scenarios he came up with.

This seems to be the textbook description of a strawman argument.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 week ago

It's also a microkernel and intentional not POSIX compliant (but it's close to compliant). I like the project, but it's very experimental on purpose, so we should set our expectations accordingly. I'd love to see it become a success, but it may not be or it may only be successful in a smaller niche than the current Linux ecosystem.

That said, it seems very open to new contributors. I hope more people can help it along.


Video Description

Many programming languages have standard libraries. What about JavaScript? 🤔️

Deno's goal is to simplify programming, and part of that is to provide the JavaScript community with a carefully audited standard library (that works in Deno and Node) that offers utility functions for data manipulation, web-related logic, and more. We created the Deno Standard Library in 2021, and four years, 151 releases, and over 4k commits later, we're thrilled to finally announce that it's 30 modules are finally stabilized at v1.

Learn more about the Deno Standard Library

Read about our stabilization process for the library


Table of Arena Crates

For a technical discussion of using arenas for memory allocation with an example implementation, see gingerBill's Memory Allocation Strategies - Part 2: Linear/Arena Allocators


EventHelix writes:

This article will investigate how Rust handles dynamic dispatch using trait objects and vtables. We will also explore how the Rust compiler can sometimes optimize tail calls in the context of dynamic dispatch. Finally, we will examine how the vtable facilitates freeing memory when using trait objects wrapped in a Box.


As the first alpha version of COSMIC Epoch 1, it is incomplete. You’ll most certainly find bugs. Testing and bug reports are welcome and appreciated. New feature requests will be considered for Epoch 2, COSMIC’s second release.

COSMIC Epoch 1 (alpha 1) on the Pop!_OS 24.04 LTS alpha ISO files are available

Try COSMIC on other Linux distributions

Fedora - See instructions

NixOS - See instructions

Arch - See instructions

openSUSE - Coming soon

Serpent OS - See instructions

Redox OS - includes some COSMIC Components - See Progress


What issues or frustrations have you encountered in trying to use and set up Neovim in Windows 11?

I'm currently writing up my experience with installing, setting up, and using Neovim in Windows and would like to hear from others that have tried the same. What was annoying, difficult, or impossible in your experience?


Many devs dream of one day writing their own operating system. Ideally in their favorite language: Rust. For many of us, this dream remains just that: a dream.

Jeremy Soller from System76, however, didn't just contribute kernel code for Pop!_OS, but also started his own operating system, RedoxOS, which is completely written in Rust. One might get the impression that he likes to tinker with low-level code!

In this episode of Rust in Production, Jeremy talks about his journey. From getting hired as a kernel developer at Denver-based company System76 after looking at the job ad for 1 month and finally applying, to being the maintainer of not one but two operating systems, additional system tools, and the Rust-based Cosmic desktop. We'll talk about why it's hard to write correct C code even for exceptional developers like Jeremy and why Rust is so great for refactoring and sharing code across different levels of abstraction.

Listen to Rust in Production Podcast S02 E07


Many devs dream of one day writing their own operating system. Ideally in their favorite language: Rust. For many of us, this dream remains just that: a dream.

Jeremy Soller from System76, however, didn't just contribute kernel code for Pop!_OS, but also started his own operating system, RedoxOS, which is completely written in Rust. One might get the impression that he likes to tinker with low-level code!

In this episode of Rust in Production, Jeremy talks about his journey. From getting hired as a kernel developer at Denver-based company System76 after looking at the job ad for 1 month and finally applying, to being the maintainer of not one but two operating systems, additional system tools, and the Rust-based Cosmic desktop. We'll talk about why it's hard to write correct C code even for exceptional developers like Jeremy and why Rust is so great for refactoring and sharing code across different levels of abstraction.

Listen to Rust in Production Podcast S02 E07


Based on answers to the following question:

Which development environments did you use regularly over the past year, and which do you want to work with over the next year? Please check all that apply.

Neovim is the most admired code editor in the 2024 Stacked Overflow Developer Survey



It's broader than a Neovim specific mapping, I've changed the system keyboard mapping of <Caps Lock> to <Esc> and <F9> to <Caps Lock>.

I think mapping <Caps Lock> to <Esc> isn't uncommon for Neovim users. But I like having <Caps Lock> available for non Neovim purposes.


cross-posted from:

July 2, 2024

Sylvain Kerkour writes:

Rust adoption is stagnating not because it's missing some feature pushed by programming language theory enthusiasts, but because of a lack of focus on solving the practical problems that developers are facing every day.

... no company outside of AWS is making SDKs for Rust ... it has no official HTTP library.

As a result of Rust's lack of official packages, even its core infrastructure components need to import hundreds of third-party crates.

  • cargo imports over 400 crates.

  • has over 500 transitive dependencies.

...the offical libsignal (from the Signal messaging app) uses 500 third-party packages.

... what is really inside these packages. It has been found last month that among the 999 most popular packages on, the content of around 20% of these doesn't even match the content of their Git repository. I would do it (there may be better ways):

A stdx (for std eXtended) under the rust-lang organization containing the most-needed packages. ... to make it secure: all packages in stdx can only import packages from std or stdx. No third-party imports. No supply-chain risks.

[stdx packages to include, among others]:

gzip, hex, http, json, net, rand

Read Rust has a HUGE supply chain security problem

Submitter's note:

I find the author's writing style immature, sensationalist, and tiresome, but they raise a number of what appear to be solid points, some of which are highlighted above.


July 2, 2024

Sylvain Kerkour writes:

Rust adoption is stagnating not because it's missing some feature pushed by programming language theory enthusiasts, but because of a lack of focus on solving the practical problems that developers are facing every day.

... no company outside of AWS is making SDKs for Rust ... it has no official HTTP library.

As a result of Rust's lack of official packages, even its core infrastructure components need to import hundreds of third-party crates.

  • cargo imports over 400 crates.

  • has over 500 transitive dependencies.

...the offical libsignal (from the Signal messaging app) uses 500 third-party packages.

... what is really inside these packages. It has been found last month that among the 999 most popular packages on, the content of around 20% of these doesn't even match the content of their Git repository. I would do it (there may be better ways):

A stdx (for std eXtended) under the rust-lang organization containing the most-needed packages. ... to make it secure: all packages in stdx can only import packages from std or stdx. No third-party imports. No supply-chain risks.

[stdx packages to include, among others]:

gzip, hex, http, json, net, rand

Read Rust has a HUGE supply chain security problem

Submitter's note:

I find the author's writing style immature, sensationalist, and tiresome, but they raise a number of what appear to be solid points, some of which are highlighted above.


Jul 1, 2024

Aman Salykov writes:

This blog post is the result of my attempt to implement high-performance matrix multiplication on CPU while keeping the code simple, portable and scalable. The implementation follows the BLIS design, works for arbitrary matrix sizes, and, when fine-tuned for an AMD Ryzen 7700 (8 cores), outperforms NumPy (=OpenBLAS), achieving over 1 TFLOPS of peak performance across a wide range of matrix sizes.

By efficiently parallelizing the code with just 3 lines of OpenMP directives, it’s both scalable and easy to understand. The implementation hasn’t been tested on other CPUs, so I would appreciate feedback on its performance on your hardware. Although the code is portable and targets Intel Core and AMD Zen CPUs with FMA3 and AVX instructions (i.e., all modern Intel Core and AMD Zen CPUs), please don’t expect peak performance without fine-tuning the hyperparameters, such as the number of threads, kernel, and block sizes, unless you are running it on a Ryzen 7700(X). Additionally, on some Intel CPUs, the OpenBLAS implementation might be notably faster due to AVX-512 instructions, which were intentionally omitted here to support a broader range of processors. Throughout this tutorial, we’ll implement matrix multiplication from scratch, learning how to optimize and parallelize C code using matrix multiplication as an example.

Read Beating NumPy's matrix multiplication in 150 lines of C code

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