I know it's not a direct answer to your question but maybe I can offer an English translation of the German post?
Title: Staying calm and impulse control are the most difficult parts of the training for us
Text: Staying calm and impulse control are the most difficult parts of the training for us (sighing smiley)
Samu is only allowed to chase the ball if I say so and he's not allowed to run straight to the ball (sad smiley)
(and many hashtags about dogs and cute animals)
Affenkollege hier, aber mit Android statt iOS
woah, that's a really nice painting! I love the juxtaposition of the 3D- looking body and the flat clothes. With the floral background, it reminds me of Gustav Klimt's "The Kiss"
I love the reflection of the face on the window
Hilft dir jetzt nicht direkt, aber aus gegebenem Anlass: Ich bin eigentlich sehr zufrieden mit der Techniker Krankenkasse, aber ich hab gestern erst einen Brief von denen bekommen, wo eine Anfrage beantwortet wurde, die ich denen per Mail geschickt habe... ich verstehe deinen Frust total
achso, der Skyr ist tatsächlich nicht vegan und auch nicht für den Kochabend, sondern für mein Frühstück gedacht :D andererseits hab ich aber auch veganen Rotwein und Apfelsaft gekauft, obwohl ich das nicht explizit reingeschrieben hab
ich koch nachher mit ner Freundin, die vegan lebt
maybe that's blatant self-advertising, but you might want to have a look at my origami community I created a few weeks ago (and if it isn't something for you, others might find it interesting)... no drama, no politics, just simple paper folding, I promise :)
Here's the link: [email protected]
I'm not blind myself, but thank you for including a description of the comic!
Not exactly an app, but a few years ago, I had a lexicography lecture where we used the website Lexonomy. The interface is quite easy to understand once you get the hang of it. I don't know how easy it is to use it and edit stuff there within a phone browser though.