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[–] [email protected] 22 points 1 week ago (4 children)

I literally can't imagine a better method of destroying the US empire than these sanctions

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 month ago (8 children)

Whoa what?? Avoid Anki? I've never heard a single person say that Quizlet is superior in the wild. What makes you conclude this?

[–] [email protected] 7 points 3 months ago (1 children)

Unintended may be somewhat true, in that nobody explicitly had that as a conscious reason, but it was an obvious result that they could've known beforehand. So I don't think it's useful at all to call it unintended. Just an easily understood and expected side effect

[–] [email protected] 29 points 3 months ago

Libs and your obsession with whataboutism. This one isn't even "whatabout," the point is that the guy in this picture was fine, and in fact the army did everything in their power not to harm him.

In a complete opposite fashion, US drone operators gleefully shot random people and caused unbelievable harm to an entire region.

I proudly defend whataboutism when it's used to exemplify the necessity of some tactic elsewhere or to compare similar cases for better understanding. But this isn't even that

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 months ago

Yeah I should say, I'm not worried about theft as a phenomenon, I just wouldn't have an electric bike outside considering I don't earn enough to lose something like that. Theft is a tragic symptom but I also prefer not to be affected by it lol

But smart, having inside places is cool. Most places I go and bike to wouldn't have that

[–] [email protected] 8 points 3 months ago (3 children)

Is bike theft not a major issue in New York It's the main thing keeping me from getting one. Bikes get stolen so frequently that I prefer my 100 buck bike, much more easily replaced.

[–] [email protected] 29 points 6 months ago (9 children)

Philosophy absolutely has the ability to examine and propose better definitions when definitions (like the ones you linked) do not capture the phenomenon. Losurdo read more books than you've seen by liberals in order to write his "Liberalism" book. He understood the phenomenon deeper and further than its dictionary use.

How do you capture such a thing in your world view? Because he found flaws in definitions and worked deeper, he just did nothing because it wasnt the Oxford definition?

[–] [email protected] 38 points 6 months ago

Liberalism is associated with those things because it allowed them to happen to avoid a negative effect to property rights (revolution, riots) once more radical people pushed for them. Liberalism is reactionary and regressive, but some liberals are easier to convince of specific rights extensions than others. You've been lied to a lot if you think liberals did these things

[–] [email protected] 0 points 6 months ago

Now I'm not sure about making those 1 thing or relating them at all.

Max Ajl is famously at least hopeful about Degrowth but rails against half-earth socialism.

Degrowth has nothing to do with population, it claims that overconsumption for the purpose of profit (like single-use, non-repairable, non-renewable) all correlate much more strongly to destruction that population. Degrowthers often see humans living harmoniously with nature as the goal, and often in integrated ways.

Half earth socialism sees earth being split into 2 portions and "not touching" some and allowing others to have human activity. It misunderstands the issue at base and assigns a solution which will almost definitely require genocide of those who already live harmoniously with the environment in places that humans are forced out of.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 7 months ago

Well we at Hexbear like to assume, rightly or wrongly, that shame is the best to convince some sorts of people to rethink. People have wasted much energy trying to nicely convince these types when it turned out they were entirely unwilling to consider that they are misinformed. Your comments have mirrored how those look with a very reddit-like demeanor. If you're sincere, consider commenting as if you're not on reddit and looking to figure out what's true and people will engage happily. I've learned a lot by doing that.

Remember, the US have spent tens of times more money on propaganda around the world than any other country (remember, US propaganda is different in form than e.g. USSR, but mostly because their way is MORE effective). Europe+the US has spent more in 40 years than the rest of the world ever. Imagine the impact this has on your worldview before reading any news or positions taken in politics around the world.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 7 months ago

I have also said many times that I'd love to volunteer my skills and knowledge to Vietnam, Indonesia, Cambodia, Loas, Ethiopia, or any other "non-luxurious" country which has been held back by imperialism. I just don't necessarily think it's the best way to help until we have a much more equal world. Bringing that about is priority even if it makes you feel like you're not directly helping at the moment.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

Imagine for a split second that the strongest government in the world is constantly attempting to cause the overthrow of your legitimately popular government, despite it being popular and significantly beloved by almost all people there. This external, most powerful government in the world tried to cause unrest in every possible way, including funding all opposition groups and organizations regardless of their violent/genocidal intent (e.g. Falun Gong, Islamic terror groups) and cause unrest on your borders (Pakistan, Afghanistan, Korea).

What do you do? When good faith polling shows that you're popular and fulfilling the needs and desires of your country's working class but a foreign press tries to speak about the terribleness and need for overthrow, do you just let that happen with more money and propoganda than you can possibly provide to support yourself? Or do you censor the BS and report to your population that these images/ideas/orgs are actually subversive and attempting to change the government they legitimately love.

In this hypothetical situation, what do you propose? Allowing the propaganda but claiming it's wrong has failed in many projects, and resulted in massacres once fascism won (Chile, Indonesia). Just trying to set up a wall of no information works for a bit, but info can cross anyways (USSR). Allowing limited access if you search for it but not allowing it's widespread propagation is the method of china. A VPN allows you to see it all, but it can't be spread too widely before it is stopped from being viral.

Do you have a better solution? Because this is how China presents itself and how the Chinese population sees it

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