
joined 11 months ago
[–] [email protected] 30 points 4 months ago (2 children)

the psychically disabled

It's always been so hard for the psychically deaf to get ahead in this world... Getting discriminated against in job interviews, having to hustle pencils on the side of the street. All because we can't move shit with our minds or speak without our mouths.

My co-workers are always talking to each other telepathically when I'm around, laughing about their psychic in-jokes, knowing I can't hear them. It's honestly so rude. They're probably making fun of me in there, tossing mean comments in the conduit between their attuned minds 😠

Well guess what? The psychically deaf are just as good as the psychics! There's nothing they can do with their minds that we can't do with good old fashioned human muscle 😤 we deserve respect!

[–] [email protected] 97 points 5 months ago (14 children)

Damn, it is actually scary that they managed to pull this off. The backdoor came from the second-largest contributor to xz too, not some random drive-by.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 7 months ago

My first game was Yoshi's Island for the Game Boy Advance! I still go back and play it every few years, I love that game.