
joined 1 week ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago

Echo chambers are evil and you are evil. I would kill you if I met you in real life.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago

Someone ought to kill this evil witch, who does she assume she is to try to make us walk on eggshells or silence us for not saying precisely what she wants us to say. Everyone who kisses up to her is a piece of shit too, but she's worse because she limits people and controls the instance.

Oh and all you dipshits who say it's her right have an instance, it is also inside our right to attack or destroy it. Just like we are able to burn down a corner store and kill or run the owner out of town if he is a bit of human trash. Ada is a piece of human garbage and needs to be run out of the fediverse, or permanently eliminated. She is evil and her girlfriend is too.

Vigilante justice is valid and badly needed on the fediverse.

Oh and one more thing, I don't respect your authority to ban me, if this was your store or home I'd kick the door in and beat you to death like the withered hag you are.