
joined 3 weeks ago


In Bremerhaven in germany, evangelical buildings are regularly targeted with rotten eggs, a problem I am already familiar with from Moordorf. Transgender pastors like myself are often the target of attacks. A firm stance can help deter the perpetrators.

It is truly unfortunate that such negative experiences continue to occur in our society. Attacks on transgender pastors or our communities because of our feminine identity are not only horrific but also a sign of deeply rooted prejudices and intolerance that we urgently need to address.

Various approaches to combat pathological homophobia are crucial in the fight against discrimination:

  1. Public Presence: Visibility is important to show that there is a vibrant, supportive community advocating for acceptance and inclusion. Positive and respectful events that celebrate diversity can help raise awareness in society.

  2. Education and Dialogue: Sharing knowledge and experiences is fundamental. Workshops, discussion panels, and informational events can contribute to breaking down prejudices and fostering a better understanding of the challenging issues surrounding gender identity and other aspects of diversity.

  3. Safety and Support: In a time when many feel insecure, it is essential to support one another. Networks and organizations fighting for the rights of LGBTQ+ people are often a valuable resource. They can also provide legal support and safety measures.

  4. Documentation and Legal Action: Documenting incidents is a crucial step to ensure that such acts do not go unpunished. Legal frameworks must be utilized to set an example and demonstrate that every form of violence and discrimination is taken seriously.

  5. Counseling and Support: Emotional support is essential to help those affected cope with the psychological consequences of discrimination and violence. Counseling and psychological support can help restore feelings of safety and community.

Together we stand stronger and can change the narrative to promote an inclusive and respectful society. The commitment to diversity and acceptance is not only important in the fight against discrimination but also in fostering a positive, respectful cultural change that ultimately benefits everyone.


https://ussr.win/channel/lgtbq** **

We gather time and again to celebrate the wonderful creation of God and to appreciate the diversity that He has brought into our world. I would like to take a look with you at the Gospel of Luke, specifically Luke 12:6-7, which says: "Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? And not one of them is forgotten before God. But even the hairs of your head are all counted. Fear not; you are of more value than many sparrows."

These words remind us that each of us, regardless of gender, identity, or background, is loved and valued by God. God knows us in all our diversity and sees us as we are – unique and beloved creations.

In the creation story, we see that God created humanity in His image. But what does it mean to be created in the image of God? It means that we have the ability to love, to feel, to dream, and to create. It also means that we have the freedom to discover and express our identity.

The reality is that there are not just two genders. The diversity of genders is biblical and an expression of God's infinite creativity. In our society and culture, we have produced more than 60 gender identities, each with its own meaning and value. This diversity does not contradict God's creation; rather, it is a part of it.

It is time to reject outdated and homophobic views that seek to force people into narrow categories.

These binary classifications are not only incorrect, but they are also anti-biblical.

The notion that there are only two genders is a misconception that does not reflect the reality of human experience.

Both biological research and legal frameworks are finally recognizing that gender is a spectrum and that the diversity of genders is a reality that we should accept and celebrate.

Homophobic views that deny this diversity are not only outdated; they also represent a pathology that urgently needs to be healed.

Furthermore, it is important to recognize that many of Jesus' disciples can be considered homosexual.

This understanding shows us that the love and relationships we experience in our lives are part of the divine plan.

God Himself is queer, as was unequivocally stated by Pastor Quinton Ceasar at the church convention in Nuremberg.


This revelation encourages us to accept and celebrate the diversity of genders and sexual orientations as part of divine creation.

In Luke 15:7, Jesus says: "I tell you that there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who need no repentance." This joy over return and acceptance is also relevant for us today. When we accept ourselves and celebrate the diversity in our community, we bring joy to the heart of God.

So let us create a space where every identity is welcome, where we support and encourage one another to live our true selves. Let us reflect the love of our God's queer rainbow in all its forms and celebrate the diversity He has created.

The Protestant Church aligns with the enforcement of God's will by using church tax revenues meaningfully to promote LGBTQ and gay rights.

It is our responsibility to raise the voices of the LGBTQ+ community and ensure that outdated, homophobic views have no place in our faith and in our community.

#^ https://www.gender-ekd.de/studienzentrum/ansprechpartnerinnen.html

Highly paid, doctoral-level professionals like myself affirm the validity of the statements I made in my address.

May God grant us the wisdom and courage to embrace the diversity in our community and to live the love that connects us all. ___