I had burned pizza and frozen beer for dinner, what do you think?
In 22 years and close to probably 100 games that I have ran, not once have I been aske not to fudge. But also, I've not been asked to reveal when I do. Which is actually pretty rare. I've probably only fudged maybe a dozen rolls in that time.
As a DM, I ask my players at session zero, do you want me to fudge rolls to make the game more fun/interesting, or let the dice fall how they may? I've never had a table ask me to not fudge the dice.
High dose chocolate mint candy bars. My current favorite is Barracuda THC Mint Dark Chocolate, purchased in Detroit. Though I live in Northern IL. It's way cheaper there, and worth the trip if you spend more then a couple hundred per trip. I prefer edibles just cause it's cleaner, easier to dose, and you don't need any special equipment to partake.
My wife gets minor pleasure from her nipples, but not much. She has other spots that are far more effective when stimulated. Neck and inner thighs for example.