
joined 1 year ago

I'm building a PC for my wife to do photo editing / retouching / other 2d/non moving stuff. I'm aware that this kind of software does benefit from GPU acceleration, but I'm also under impression that it's not critical. One additional constraint is that it should fit into teenage engineering's computer-1 case, because orange. I'm personally having a preference for AMD stuff, but I could be talked out of it. Two similarly priced options I had in mind were:

  • Ryzen 5600 / 16G ram / radeon 6600 GPU
  • Ryzen 8600G / 32G ram / no gpu

Thoughts / suggestions?

[–] [email protected] 0 points 8 months ago

I mean, yeah, but that's on the level of "because they're eucaryote" like us and all plants and animals, as opposed to bacteria which are procaryote. It's not really some freakish similarities.