Bayern G8, da gab es keine Unterscheidung in Grundkurs und Leistungskurs. Wir hatten einfach so Abi in 5 Fächern.
This is wildly dependent on infrastructure. Both for the convenience and danger axis.
You can argue that "per person miles" is a better metric, but that is completely orthogonal to their initial claim.
There are basically no unsafe ways to get off of a unicycle. You can fall in any direction and just end up standing next to your unicycle. Compare that to a bicycle "over the handle bars"-accident.
The docs say
For reproducible outputs, set temperature to 0 and seed to a number:
But what they should say is
For reproducible outputs, set temperature to 0 or seed to a number:
Easy mistake to make
Werde nicht lügen, die Änderung im Zuge des Klimawandel bezüglich welche Tier- und Pflanzenarten hier überleben können machen mir auch Sorgen. Ambrosia ist eine Pflanze, die richtig krass allergische Reaktionen auslösen kann. Und Stechmücken waren bisher in Deutschland halt etwas nervig - ich hab schon Schiss, dass ein Insektenstich in Zukunft eine echt ernstzunehmende Gefahr sein könnte.
I appreciate the constructive comment.
Unfortunately the API docs are incomplete (insert obi wan meme here). The seed value is both optional and irrelevant when setting the temperature to 0. I just tested it.
Yeah no, that's not how this works.
Where in the process does that seed play a role and what do you even mean with numerical noise?
Edit: I feel like I should add that I am very interested in learning more. If you can provide me with any sources to show that GPTs are inherently random I am happy to eat my own hat.
Ah, gotcha.
Is there like a list where you can enter your server so that other people use it as an ntp server? Or how did you advertise it to have 2800 requests flooding in?
Yes, because they communicate with natural behavior (I'm blanking on the word here. It's behavior they were simply born with)
Language is learned, but you can still "understand" another human if they are angry, crying, or laughing, no matter where they are from.
50/50 chance between normal keyboard and no arm muscles whatsoever and normal arm muscles and the thickest, full metal mechanical keyboard you've ever seen.
Ja, ich verstehe auch überhaupt nicht wo die Aufregung herkommt.