
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 0 points 8 months ago

(Moved from c/genzedong after I realized this would be the better place to post this.)


Last I’ve heard, there were some issues, but things were getting better. Now I have stumbled upon this headline and wish to know more details about the situation.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 11 months ago (1 children)

I disagree with this. The west is clearly capable of continuous arms production, thanks to its large and stable imperialist supply chain. It is Russia's economical potential which seems smaller in comparison.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 11 months ago

I have a couple of questions.

How much weaponry was there in Ukraine prior to the war, NATO-supplied or from elsewhere, that could directly threaten Russia?

Next, going to war over the protection of Russian-speaking diasporas is a nice ideal, but it does not immediately translate to practical terms. I am willing to accept the idea that Russia risked losing everything by trying to protect Donbas Russians from Ukraine, but so far, the only signs of any Ukraine aggression in the region that I recall is the banning of Russian language and the shelling of separatists, who themselves shelled the Ukrainians. I also find the effectiveness of the takeovers questionable. Are Russians truly better stewards than the Ukrainians, all documented events considered? I truly do not know enough about this to make the right judgement call. Also not to mention the inversion of the idea - what about the Ukrainians in the Russia-occupied territories? Are they doing well too?

I am somewhat doubtful of the other things you have said, but I am unsure how to properly address them, so I suppose I will do some more research into the situation instead.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 11 months ago (3 children)

Yes, war is expensive, everyone knows that. But is it really worth it for Russia if they are impacted by it too? Surely they had to know that, going in. Though as the article states, they supposedly misjudged the costs and the duration of the whole operation, not expecting it to turn into a full on war. And now, I dunno, maybe continuing to fight is their bet at preserving... something, but everyone can see that the working class suffers on both sides because of it.

Thoughts on this? (www.understandingwar.org)

I do agree that in retrospect, the war doesn't make much sense for Russia. As the article speculates, Putin must have thought that Ukraine was weak enough to be conquered in a matter of weeks, and that the west wouldn't intervene, since it also didn't intervene in the case of Crimea and Donbas.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Still better than the usual fearmongering. I've shared this video mainly since it seems like an acceptable learning material for normies.


To have a comprehensive worldview is very desirable, because then you know how everything works, but in my opinion, you won't ever know how everything truly works until you also understand how people work, where are they coming from, and mainly, what informs and drives their decisions.

So here's the deal, before becoming a communist, I used to be a liberal, and then also very briefly one of those alt right pseudointellectuals. As my ideological framework changed, I kept updating my worldview, and usually, I simply discarded those beliefs that I did not subscribe to anymore.

However, I still think about them sometimes, and I wish I remembered them better, because I think it would also help me understand other people who still subscribe to them. Does anyone else think about such things sometimes, and is there also some resource or can someone personally shed some light on these ideologies? Because I would certainly like to learn more about them (and remember what I forgot), about how the people who subscribe to them think about things and the world at large.

I was partly motivated to make this post by this Tumblr thread:
