Ja, ich war auf einer Demo gegen Deportationen von deutschen Staatsbürgern („Remigration“ ist ein zu verharmlosendes Wort dafür). War Arsch-kalt, aber richtig. Meine letzte Demoteilnahme war vor genau 10 Jahren. Es braucht also einiges, um mich zu mobilisieren.
Which ones? The EU and the USA do not fully boycott Russia, yet. Just many selected items. More items are being added every few months.
Teen girls and tourists at a musical festival are not Nazi guards from a concentration camp. You forgot that little detail in your speech. I'm pretty certain most of the massacre victims never killed anyone. What you're suggesting is tribal guilt by association.
Habe gerade aus Spaß nachgeschaut, welche Verkehrsminister wir auf Länderebene aktuell haben. Interessantes Detail: Wir haben offenbar 18 Stück davon.
Immerhin bekommen die Studierenden demnächst einen Rabatt in dieser Größenordnung. Für mich etwas spät, aber natürlich insgesamt trotzdem eine sinnvolle Entscheidung.
I took a stance against you people cheering for massacres. If you think that this is showing a lack of basic human compassion then all irony is lost on you.
[...] you disgusting liberal pig.
I will not respond in kind if that is what you were hoping for.
Wer hier zu Besuch ist, nur um gegen unsere Verfassung zu hetzen, darf auch gerne wegbleiben. Passt schon.
The iof murdered hundreds of israelis on October 7th by dropping bombs and firing tanks on them. There is literally footage of this you can watch and see for yourself.
Citation needed. Sounds like a conspiracy theory.
Why the fuck would people [...]
Religious fundamentalism.
Fucking zionist.
Massacres are wrong. Period. Stating that doesn't make me a Zionist. Thousands of murders from one side don't make hundreds of murders from the other side rightful. Massacres are never the right tool for any cause.
Yes, yes, all the Israeli and foreign tourist teens who were raped and murdered on that day obviously were the real oppressors. It was about time someone „fought back“ against those partying teens in particular… that is what you’re implying.
How about we stop cheering for rape and murder for a moment? Just because Israel is overstepping hard doesn’t mean Hamas terror attack was rightful.
Nobody was arrested for supporting Palestine. Not a single person. Some specific people within the protests were temporary arrested for calling to murder Jews. That's an important difference. Calling to murder someone is a crime in Germany. Their personal data was registered and they will maybe have to pay a fine. That's how a state of law operates against non-violent crime in progress. You cannot just let it happen.
Immigration policy was not changed to align with European fascists. The fascists want to stop immigration and deport all migrants and their descendants. Immigration under Green party policy is not only possible but wanted (and needed).
Ukraine is not run by Neo-Nazis. I'd suggest you to stop watching so much Russian propaganda.
Nobody was arrested for protesting against Israel or genocide in Germany. That's a blatant lie. Some people are being arrested temporary for their call to murder all Jews. There is a clear difference: There are thousands of people protesting peacefully against Israel's war - only a few of them are overstepping hard while doing so. Stopping these select people from committing further crimes in accordance with the state of law is called nuance.
Don't commit crimes in Germany (call for murder) and nobody will arrest you.
Hält für Faschos ein Schild hoch auf dem "unser Land zuerst!" steht und fährt im Anschluss nach Hause in die Schweiz zu ihrer singhalesischen Frau. Der andere verbringt deutsche Gedenktage am liebsten in Russland. Schöne Patrioten sind das. Was darf eigentlich Satire? Der Postillon hätte sich kaum einen besseren Spruch ausdenken können.