
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 5 points 4 months ago (1 children)

Having your router limit internet connectivity time is effectively the same thing these days. There are some things they can do offline but not much anymore.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 months ago

I've been a fan of thatgamecompany since playing the free Flash version of Flow online and reading Jenova Chen's thesis on how to implement the flow state into gaming.

It's pretty awesome and he's a very unique individual. Can't wait to see what they come up with next.

[–] [email protected] 16 points 4 months ago (3 children)

Personally, I'd use the router to limit access to locations and times. It's more reliable, easier to do, and lets you be less picky with your distro.

Using a DNS level content blocker like Adblock DNS is a great option, IMHO, and is super easy to setup.

(For the record, parent of 8 and 11 yr olds)

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 months ago (1 children)

Because it's a souls-like


ARPG aka Action Role Playing Game.

tl;dr - Diablo or Dark Souls?

Both Diablo-likes and Souls-likes are called Action RPGs. In one, you create a "build" using gear and skills, and generally grind for hours on end looking for the perfect drop to make your build a teeny bit better. In the other, your success is based off of twitch reflexes and learning move-sets of the enemies. Gear and loot is pretty downplayed and the enjoyment comes from the elusive "git gud".

I'm not here to argue that one or the other isn't an ARPG. I'm just curious why a new designation hasn't sprouted up for one or the other to make things less confusing. It's getting even worse now that Diablo-like games aren't limited to isometric POV (they haven't been for a while but...) and now people are making souls-iike games in isometric POV. It's only natural that this would happen. But again, why is there still the confusing naming convention?

IMHO, worthless though it is, I don't get why Diablo-likes are called ARPG's. They have lots of A and no RP. (They are Gs tho.) Souls-like feel a lot more like what I would consider an ARPG. But again, my opinion is completely worthless so it's pointless to even attempt to argue about it.

My point is we should riot with pitchforks and torches at the headquarters of... the people who name genres of games... and demand they split ARPG from ARPG so we all know what we're getting into.

Like, someone went ahead and invented "bullet heaven" as a genre name since "bullet hell" didn't quite fit when you were the one with the bullets. I love that! Maybe we can do something similar like call Diablo-likes Action Grinding Games (AGG) or Loot and Build Games (LBG). I'm sure someone can think of something better while we are marching.

[–] [email protected] 10 points 5 months ago

The original Metroid on NES was so freaking good back in the day. I'm in my late 40s at this point and I still hear songs or themes that make me go "that reminds me of Metroid". The music was iconic.

And it's gotta be said, the original reveal that the hero of the game was a (gasp) girl! I am sure it had an effect on my young impressionable mind. And the good kind of effect, the kind that makes you realize girls can be bad ass too. So awesome!

[–] [email protected] 0 points 5 months ago (3 children)

Defragging works for that.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

I shrunk my Win10 partition from within Windows to make space to dual boot into linux so you definitely can shrink an active partition.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 5 months ago (1 children)

I am completely enamored with Inkbound right now. Its a turn-based tactical roguelite by the guys who made Monster Train. It has a similar feel to the combat from Marvels Midnight Suns, which I loved also. It just came out of earl access recently.

Oh and they took out all the microtransactions in the game during EA. People complained and they listened! So there are some mechanics that look like, for example, a season pass, but it's free and automatic now. I think that's pretty awesome.

Anyways, game is fun. Devs are moral. Works in linux. A++

[–] [email protected] 53 points 5 months ago (14 children)

You know with Android, you can just sideload any app you want. Still not sure why anyone buys Apple products, but hey at least you get different colored chat bubbles!

[–] [email protected] 9 points 5 months ago (7 children)

It's one of my only regrets from switching to linux full time last summer: the PC side of my GamePass Ultimate subscription is now useless because it requires Windows. I get it, but it still bums me out.

On the plus side, I prepaid using some crazy scam/exploit/deal/whatever from SlickDeals so it cost me like less than $100 for three years. And since I still use it on my Xbox regularly, I feel like it was still a... ... slick deal.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 5 months ago (1 children)

I wonder if it matters that they buy a lot of their power from other states like NV (which has a ton of solar and a somewhat famous hydro-electric dam). I feel like it's great that CA is doing this but it would be better if it they were closer to self-sufficient.


Don't get me wrong, I'm not a hater. I actually was really excited for the game. But so far I am just not having fun.

For a little bit of reference, I just finished playing thru Cyberpunk 2077 and then jumped right into Starfield. Maybe that was a mistake because I kinda just want to go back to Cyberpunk (and I will in a few weeks when the DLC comes out).

But I'm noticing two really big issues with Starfield: first, the gunplay/combat is... let's call it underwhelming. I realize it's quite probably a skill issue and I need to just git gud, but holy crap, everything is a bullet sponge and I don't have that many bullets! Stealth seems to be pretty worthless at early levels as I don't have any high-alpha guns that can take advantage of it and, most of the time, I'm detected before I even see the bad guys. I'm just not enjoying this aspect of the game at all.

The second big issue for me is that there's a loading screen every five seconds! Again, probably a me thing, but OMG, it's driving me nuts. Get into ship, loading screen. Launch from planet, loading screen. Fly to next planet, loading screen. Land on planet, loading screen. Leave ship, loading screen. I just want to go shoot things! Let me shoot things!

Okay, found some spacers, time to... oh shit, out of ammo. Let me swap to a worse gun that still has ammo. Sigh. Okay, they're dead. Let me just heal up... oh shit, out of med packs. Sigh.

Oh and wrestling with the UI is exhausting.

Anyways, I realize that this probably isn't the place to find a lot of like-minded people. But I really do want to like this game. Any tips on maybe at least ways to make the combat less of a chore?


So I'm very new to linux gaming. I swapped like last month and I've really been enjoying how well everything I've tried on Steam just works these days.

But I was looking to try something a little more advanced next. I saw that there's a HD "remaster" mod for Freelancer (which is abandonware now, so easy to find for free online). As it's one of my all time favorite games, and I haven't played it in like 20 years, I thought it might be fun to check it out again.

I saw that it is on lutris and tried installing it that way. The installation goes fine but after it's done, the lutris installer just hangs with "return code 256". Googling it didn't provide me any useful info other than one guy saying just to install it directly with an empty WINE prefix. I have no idea how to do that and it sounds like it might be more of a pain in the ass than I want to deal with.

But I thought I'd just post here and see if anyone else has tried this and gotten it to work. I can always dual boot back into Windows but I'd rather not do that ever again if I can avoid it. For the record, I'm on Pop!_OS.

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