
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 year ago

As someone who can't read the language this is pretty fascinating, you should totally post more on this topic!

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 year ago

??? Communism has nothing to do with whether you agree with death penalties or not. The existence of death penalties being a positive or negative force entirely depends on the material conditions of the place it's implemented.

During the middle of a revolution or right afterwards while under attack from much more powerful capitalist forces it's a lot more understandable to just kill the landlords and people that hoard all the resources while the regular folk starve, but in a place that's developed enough and has enough security in upholding a proletariat controlled state it makes more sense to soften penalties.

Not everything is black and white, whether some actions are a positive force for good or not always depend on material conditions.

Genocide against landlord isn't a thing. That's a parasitic occupation, not an entire ethnic group. Genocide against ethnic groups and such is NEVER SUPPORTED under communism. It goes against everything communism stands for.

Also revolutions require violence to succeed. Capitalists can't be voted out or talked into giving up all their wealth and power. That's purely idealistic.

You are being called a lib, from what I can tell from this post, because you have not read enough and do not understand dialectical materialism.

You seem to function entirely based on hegalian thought aka idealism. Wanting to all be nice and hold hands and peacefully solve problems is fine, but it does not realistically solve the issue of capitalism and the horrors of capitalism.

If every non capitalist were like you and thought like you, there would never be a successful communist revolution and capitalists will forever hold power and increasingly make lives worse for everyone, especially with improving technology that can weigh the scales towards the capitalist more and more.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 2 years ago

North Korea remembers the atrocities that were done onto them the last time, and are more than prepared for a war with the US and their colony

[–] [email protected] 0 points 2 years ago

They're so close, yet so far