
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 year ago (5 children)

I don't hate kids, but it would be a horrific nightmare for everyone involved if I had some of my own. Never wanted them, never will. I do adore my niece.


Sorry y'all, I just need to vent a little. I was unhappy with my previous barber and was trying out a new one. It was close by, had good reviews, and the same prices for men and women. Great. But man, my previous barber might not be the most skilled but at least she was quick and knew how to shut the fuck up. This guy took an hour(!) to do my really simple super short cut and talked the entire time. He fixed what I wanted to have fixed fine, but he doesn't believe in clippers(?) so it's way longer than I wanted, and I'm just exhausted. Honestly, my entire day has been ruined by the sheer amount of energy that has been sucked out of my soul from having a stranger talk to me for an hour straight for something that could've been done in silence in 20 minutes.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

Yeah, the only thing you gotta be careful with is wool, because that seriously shrinks like crazy with anything over 20°C. Everything else just goes on 30-40°C, good luck.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

I used to have a pretty intense not-like-the-other-girls fase in my teens, and I never wore skirts or dresses, and felt the same way you do. Then I got over that internalized misogyny and started experimenting with clothes a little, and the first time I put on a dress it was like a hallelujah moment. The most comfortable thing in the goddamn world. They do not restrict your movement at all, that's only a problem if you wear knee-high pencil skirts of stiff fabric. In colder seasons you wear leggings under them which are equally comfortable. It was so incredibly comfy I did a complete 180 and it took me 10 years to wear a pair of pants again, and that's only because the waist high mom jeans in style now are so loose and non-restricting. Any other style of pants I won't touch with a 10 feet pole.