
joined 5 months ago
[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 month ago

Are Trump and Musk dating?

[–] [email protected] 0 points 2 months ago

You're deeply misguided.

This is exactly why Netanyahu is doing what he is doing. He wants Trump. He knows the US doesn't/can't lose an ally in the region and he forces the administrations hand, which makes them look bad to their supporters. Those supporters stop supporting... and then Trump gets elected.

Don't let Netanyahu play you. Don't fall into his trap. Vote in local elections for people opposed to the genocide. Reach out to them and express it is a huge, maybe the only, concern of yours. That is how you bring change.

Removing yourself from the conversation doesn't make the problem go away.

There are millions that just don't vote. Never have, never will. So their stance has no impact. It is worse to be willing to use that vote and then throw it away on a single issue that won't change, no matter the candidate (and honestly in this case one candidate there is a chance vs one where there is zero chance for Gaza and things get worse for Ukraine).

We've effectively been given the Trolley Problem and, instead of playing, you're choosing to walk away and whatever happens, happens, as long as you feel good.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

He vetoed cease-fire agreements that called for permanent cease-fires but without the release of hostages as a condition to the cease-fire*. All that does is give Hamas time to recoup without any stipulations, leading to an even longer war. They are a terrorist organization hiding behind Palestinians and hostages.

Listen, I am by no means a fan of Israel. Their treatment of the Palestinian people has been atrocious but, regardless of who is president, weapons will be sold to Israel by the US.

Your edit about democrats only being a player here because Trump is a fascist is a real problem. A problem that you can directly affect with your vote/non-vote.

*The release of hostages is mentioned but not as a condition.. meaning the agreement called for a cease-fire with or without the release of hostages.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 2 months ago (1 children)

Doing what you can to save the larger number of people in this case is voting for the Democrats.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 months ago (5 children)

It is though. We've effectively been given the Trolley Problem, and instead of playing you're choosing to walk away and whatever happens, happens, as long as you feel good.

I'm sure Biden feels fucking awful about what's going on. But he was elected to do the job the best he can and unfortunately a psychopath that we have little control over is in charge of Israel. Until something can be done about him. America has to play nice.

Netanyahu wants Trump. Not voting Democrat gives him a better chance.

Again, it really sucks but the presidential election is a unfortunately two party.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 months ago (7 children)

I honestly don't know how to write this so it doesn't sound like I'm attacking you but I'm going to try.

Disclaimer, Kamala Harris hasn't stated anything on her stance involving Israel/Gaza conflict yet (as the presidential nominee), so my statements below may be a non-issue for you come election time anyway...

While it might feel like "doing the right thing" by not voting or voting third party, you are giving a vote to Trump if you do so, which is worse. It fucking sucks that we have this shitty two party system and all of sane people who aren't just "my team vs your team" hate it... but I really hope you decide that your vote won't be for Kamala but against Trump, since he will be far worse, not only for Gaza but Ukraine as well.