
joined 2 years ago

Remember when you had the 2nd International, huge marxist parties like the SPD in Germany, all saying they would never support an imperialist war and were true marxists, and then when WW1 began they all sold out and supported the war? Good times. Very few, like Vladimir Lenin, Rosa Luxembourg and Eugene Debs, remained true to marxism and opposed the war. Well i think a similar situation is happening now with the SMO in Ukraine.

From "democratic socialists" to MLs to maoists to anarchists, they all said they would never support US imperialism, they would never support a new Iraq WMD lie. And yet, when the SMO began and the west started demonizing Russia and beating the drums of war, most of these ostensibly "leftist" figures, especially western figures, sold out and supported the antirussian histeria. From BreadTube to YoungTurks to maoists like Marxist Paul to anarchists, they all sold out. Even some principled MLs like Second Thought and Hakim have shied away from condemning this war histeria and supporting Russia. I think this will be the collapse of the 2nd International of our era, the new divide between true antiimperialists and sellouts.

What are your thoughts?


Among the pearls of wisdom in this video we have:

"Russia is imperialist because it has state capitalist monopolies" Yes, you heard it right, having certain economic sectors under exclusive state ownership is imperialism. Guess Putin should privatize Gazprom like Yeltsin did, that way he wont be imperialist right Paul?

"Russia is imperialist because it has a big state owned bank called Sberbank" Yes, having big state owned banks is imperialism

"Russia is imperialist because it invests and isnt indebted" He uses the Net International Investment Position (NIIP) as "proof" that Russia is imperialist. That index takes foreign assets held by residents of a country and subtracts it the total debt, both public and private, of a country. Thus, if the NIIP is positive, the country is a creditor/invester, and if its negative, its a debtor. Russia has a positive value, but what does that prove? That Russia isnt indebted, thats all it proves. He says this proves "Russia is a major exporter of capital", which it doesnt, the index doesnt account for Russias biggest export, commodities, which makes it NOT imperialist. The NIIP only accounts for investment/credit and debt. Also this index has many flaws, since all you have to do to count in is be a resident of the country. Tax heavens thus have insane positive values, but that doesnt mean they are imperialist. I mean just look at the NIIP values online. France and the US are negative, yet Argentina and Botswana are positive! I guess Botswana is imperializing the US, you are right Paul.

"Russia is part of international monopolist organizations. Russia is a permanent member of the UN Security Council and a BRICS member" yes, he fkin said this i swear. Does this guy know the USSR was a permanent member of the UN Security Council? Im sure he would say they were dirty revisionists. Also apparently BRICS, an alliance formed by Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, with no western countries in it, is imperialist. He does specify tho, that of BRICS only Russia and China are imperialist. Thanks Paul!

"Russia sending its military into Donbass, despite the people of Donbass wanting it, is imperialism" Wow, guess the Soviet presence in Afghanistan was imperialism. Nevermind hes a maoist, he probably thinks that.

"Russia helping Syria against the US is imperialism" I dont even know what to say, besides that he should go to Syria and tell the people there that Russia should leave them alone against US aggression, see what happens. Fkin idiot.

"Supporting Russia, China, Iran, Syria, etc is lesser evilism, they are all imperialist" ๐Ÿคฆโ€โ™‚๏ธ

"We must support the oppressed nations such as Cuba or Venezuela" Does this anglo idiot know that Cuba and Venezuela support Russia? The doublethink is insane.

"Russia is not an oppressed nation" Does this idiot know what happened in Russia in the 90s?

"Only anticapitalist countries can be antiimperialist" Oh, so i guess Venezuela (whom he supported just 2 seconds ago), Nicaragua, Allendes Chile, Bolivia, etc are not antiimperialist. Nice one Paul!

Then he finishes with an "inspiring" "no war but class war, long live communism" speech. Yeah yeah great words, says the stupid brit from his privileged house in the imperial core. Hes the true marxist, not the people of the third world who overwhelmingly support Russia and China, whom he calls "capitalist imperialist". Fkin idiot

Edit: I want to add that Marxist Paul has good videos regarding theory and criticism of the west, but when he steps out of that, especially regarding China and Russia, he says the dumbest shit. Considering hes a maoist who loves Gonzalo and the Shining Path, i guess that was to be expected.

[โ€“] [email protected] 0 points 2 years ago

And lets not forget the show trials against Slobodan Milosevic, Radovan Karadzic, Ratko Mladic and others. Milosevic was murdered by the EU nazis in prison, they didnt allow him medical treatment for his heart problems and he died of a heart attack. And the worst, even the fake tribunal had to admit he was innocent. That scum murdered an innocent man just for opposing US imperialism and neoliberalism.

[โ€“] [email protected] 0 points 2 years ago (2 children)

"I love superior free western values. Russian patriots want to see their country invaded and balkanized. Yes i am a leftist, why you ask?"

-Zizek the nazi who supported the racist CIA separatist opposition in Yugoslavia (Slovenia) that broke up the country in the 90s


In a new episode of baltic nazi brutality, Kirill Fedorov, a 20 year old youtuber who made prorussian youtube videos and has spent the last 3 months in maximum security prison, denounced in a letter sent to his family that he has been repeatedly tortured. He said that he had been beaten, cuffed for extended periods of time in painful positions and electrocuted repeatedly. All of this to force him to confess to spying for Russia, when hes a 20 year old nerd who makes youtube videos. This is "western democracy", they are imprisoning and torturing ethnic minorities. Where are all the libs claiming a genocide now? Show this to any idiot who thinks the EU is all about "human rights".

Edit: Also someone (probably the police) doxxed him and now his name, face and address are on a public online list of "traitors to latvia". Literally the gestapo

[โ€“] [email protected] 0 points 2 years ago

Yes, they seized her fathers assets. Evil stuff. I hope the piece of shit scum judge that ordered this gets tortured to death. Fucking scum.

[โ€“] [email protected] 0 points 2 years ago (2 children)

Yep. And thank God she lives in Donetsk, away from the reach of the imperialists, because if not, you can bet she would be in prison right now, just like Pablo Gonzalez (journalist imprisoned in Poland for "spying for Russia") or Kirill Fedorov (youtuber imprisoned in Latvia for making prorussia videos).


Alina Lipp, a german independent journalist who has been living in Donetsk and covering the war crimes committed by the ukronazis there since 2021, is under criminal investigation by a german court for "spreading russian disinformation". All her assets have been seized, including the PayPal donations that allow her to do her independent work. Her fathers assets have also been seized, even though he lives in Germany and has nothing to do with Alinas work. Prosecutors ask 3 years in prison, all for spreading the truth about Donbass. This is the "freedom and human rights" of the EU. We already know of 6 people under criminal investigation in the EU for telling the truth about Donbass. 5 of them are in pretrial imprisonment in maximum security, full isolation, no contact with anyone.

[โ€“] [email protected] 0 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago)

Still, ethnic supremacy isnt the same as ethnonationalism. The Russian Empire oppressed ethnic minorities, but wasnt ethnonationalist, it didnt claim that ethnic minorities were a different nation from the russian one and thus had to be expelled, like zionists and nazis do. Nevertheless, this is pure cope, because there was no "russification" in the USSR. And the Baltic States, the ones who whine about it the most, are literally the ones with less evidence to claim otherwise. Like literally, the Lithuanian, Latvian and Estonian SSRs were for its entire existence (1940-1990) ruled by ethnic lithuanians, latvians and estonians. The "stalinist genocide" they supposedly suffered under Stalin? It was implemented by local communists who werent ethnic russians. No russian ever ruled them, unlike other republics like Moldova or Kazakhstan. So they have 0 arguments there.


More genius takes by Azov Something. Literally just a bad buzzword salad lol. "Authoritarian state capitalist ethnonationalist regime"

[โ€“] [email protected] 0 points 2 years ago

Based! Montenegro and Serbia were the only constituent nations of Yugoslavia that resisted imperialism in the 90s, instead of supporting it. Very based!


Turkey has blocked the vote for a fast accession of Finland and Sweden to NATO. This will delay the procedure for several months. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said Turkey wont allow Finland and Sweden to join NATO unless they extradite several members of the PKK (Kurdistan Workers Party) and YPG (the militias of Rojava in Syria). The west must also lift its arms embargo on Turkey and allow Turkey to freely trade with Russia, including weapons trade (which is why the arms embargo was imposed). Erdogan also said Turkey wont sanction Russia and trade with them will continue as usual. Based.


At least 962 Azov nazis who were blocked underground at Azovstal have unconditionally surrendered to Russia and DPR forces. They were out of food and wounded, so they had no other option. There are several british and american citizens among the surrendered it seems. The wounded are taken to hospitals in the DPR and treated. The nonwounded are directly taken to military prisons in Rostov, Russian Federation. Today the Russian Duma (Parliament) will discuss approving a law banning the prisoner exchange of Azov nazis. Nuremberg 2 COMING SOON!

UPDATE: DPR President Denis Pushilin announced that Azovstal, unlike other damaged industrial plants in the DPR, will not be rebuilt and will be demolished instead. Its simply too damaged to be rebuilt. A park for children may be possibly built there (its speculation for now). Stalin would cry if he saw this ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ

UPDATE 2: Meanwhile Azov Something is ignoring these news and coping about the next "Ukraine will collapse the entire russian military tomorrow trust me bro" he read on Twitter. I wonder why ๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค” Time to brigade, lets ask his fanbase en masse what they think about this new development!

UPDATE 3: DPR announced that in total 1750 Azov nazis have surrendered at Azovstal for now! ๐Ÿฆ€๐Ÿฆ€๐Ÿฆ€๐Ÿฆ€๐Ÿฆ€๐Ÿฆ€๐Ÿฆ€๐Ÿฆ€

UPDATE 4: Today the trial of the neonazis will begin in Rostov, Russian Federation! A neonazi of the Aidar Battallion will be the first one to appear in court! YESSSSSSS

[โ€“] [email protected] 0 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) (1 children)

I mean, i said what i said because in some socialist countries religion was very heavily suppressed imo, in Albania for example or USSR at times. Getting a Bible or a Quran was very hard and so on. I think assets of churches should be expropiated indeed. Churches should become like a kind of mass organization imo, with all its assets owned by the state and the organization also controlled by the state. The church functions as a church but is subordinated to the party and takes orders from it. Again, i think religious people who can think in a materialist way should be allowed to join the party. Ofc there should be high standard requirements, but if they meet them and are believers, i think its ok. I understand why you think this is impossible, since your country is full of religious nutjobs (no offense), but i can guarantee you its true. Here in Spain religion has much less influence in society than in Poland, and youll find many people who consider themselves catholic but dont appear like it at all. They rarely go to church, follow no restrictions associated with catholicism and dont care about what the Pope says about abortion, gays or some other thing. My mom is like that, shes a scientist so she can apply rational thinking, but she still believes. I often ask her why (im atheist), and she says it makes her feel protected during hard times. I think that these type of people, which believe me are very common here in western europe, should be allowed to join the party.

I also think you shouldnt discard the progressive potential for religion. I think religion is a tool, so its not bad by itself. Sure religion is very often used by reactionaries, but it can also be used progressively. Again what China did in Tibet, they picked a loyal Panchen Lama, and now he uses his strong influence as a religious leader to promote socialism, friendship with the chinese government and fights the tibetan CIA opposition. Indeed, the beliefs of the mainstream religions (islam, christianity, judaism and buddhism) are often quite compatible with socialism, since they promote friendship with others, helping the poor, solidarity, etc. Hell if Jesus Christ was alive today hed be 100% called a "communist" by the libs. Thats where christian socialism and islamic socialism comes into the picture. In countries with strong religious influence it can be a great way to strenghten socialism i think. Ofc you should be able to control the religious leaders for this to work, otherwise the reactionaries can use the religion against socialism. For example i think in Poland it wouldnt work, because the religious leader is the Pope, and hes in Rome so you cant control him. It could work tho in Russia for example, where you have the Patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church there. You put someone loyal in charge, control him and use christianity to promote socialism. I think its an option as valid as state atheism. Both options could work in the appropiate material conditions i think. What do you think?

[โ€“] [email protected] 0 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) (3 children)

I mean, i still think tho that we shouldnt supress religion, we should control it, like in China. Religion will fade away with communism, but until then we must deal with it somehow. Supressing it doesnt work (as a pole you sure must know) and its wrong. By controlling it, we remove cults and reactionary branches of mainstream religions and put in its place religious leaders loyal to the Communist Party. China did this great in Tibet. They replaced the proUS Panchen Lama with a prochinese one, and as soon as the Dalai Lama dies the same thing will be done, and it will be the end for the US funded tibetan opposition. Same in Xinjiang, they have religious leaders who respect secularism and are loyal to Beijing. I also think we shouldnt ban religious people from joining the Communist Party as long as they can separate their faith from reality and do a materialist analysis (meaning no creationist type idiots). Thats what i think.

[โ€“] [email protected] 0 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) (7 children)

Even if they claim to be ML its bad. Here the Communist Party of Spain claims to be ML but its 100% liberal. They are in coalition government with these Podemos idiots and the socdems. They love Zelenski, say pootin man bad all the time and support sending weapons to neonazis. While many members of the party are based the leadership are a gang of corrupt opportunists and are destroying the party. Although imo the party was killed in 1975, when they rejected revolution in favor of liberal democracy. Honestly i think the KKE (Communist Party of Greece) is the only mainstream communist party in western europe that isnt 100% social imperialist.

[โ€“] [email protected] 0 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) (1 children)

Same here in Spain. A lot of talking about "we must leave NATO and the EU" and "America bad" but then when push comes to shove, like now with the Ukraine War, they all rally behind NATO and support the NATO narrative. The Podemos motherfuckers (which includes the Communist Party, yes its that revisionist, eurocommunism killed it) literally did a standing ovation for Zelenski the piece of shit nazi. We are sending millions of euros in weapons to neonazis, but its ok because russia man bad. Oh whats that, you need welfare to not starve? Sorry, no money left for that. Fucking social fascists. Where are you from?

submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Today i had the misfortune of encountering a western "leftist" on Twitter. He stans Podemos (a spanish demsoc party, very liberal and proNATO, they are now in a coalition government with the socdems and they love Zelenski). We discussed the Ukraine War and Russia. I thought he would do the typical "ok the US and NATO are very bad, but Russia is bad too!" so i brought up the NATO invasions of Yugoslavia and Libya to show how the west is manufacturing consent now with Ukraine just like they did with Yugoslavia and Libya, which i assumed he would say were bad. Well the motherfucker goes and says "akchually those invasions were good, we stopped genocides and evil dictators". WTF. How are these people "leftists"? They are straight up NATOist warhawks. How is this "the left" now? And this is in Europe, where the left is much stronger than in the US! I cant stand this. HOW IS THIS "LEFTISM"? Im so angry right now, what a piece of shit human being, defending imperialist genocides while calling himself a "leftist". He even had the gull of saying "you arent a leftist, you defend genocidal regimes like the USSR, Putin or North Korea, youre a fascist!". Fucking unbelievable. Ok rant over.

Oh and he also defended finnish and baltic nazis of WW2 and said "bolshevism is just like nazism". Plus he said holodomor was real and when i showed him that expert historians on the subject like Mark Tauger, J Arch Getty and Stephen Wheatcroft think otherwise, he said "youre wrong, the historical consensus doesnt agree with you".

[โ€“] [email protected] 0 points 2 years ago

He says Stalin did bad things because "ebil guleg purges" but he also did good because he industrialized USSR and established socialism. Id say hes kind of a khrushchevite.

[โ€“] [email protected] 0 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) (3 children)

Chomsky is worse than BE though. BE doesnt say "akchually the collapse of the USSR was a good thing" thank god. He also doesnt say the good ol "USSR was state capitalist" bs

submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Why does BadEmpanada always have to fuck up and act like a liberal? Like hes recently stated that "tankie is just a buzzword used by liberals" and also made a based video debunking the Holodomor and exposing the double genocide theory, but then he still makes trash like this. "Grover Furr is basically a stalinist holocaust denier" "Hes not taken seriously by anyone [meaning liberal academia]" "Only 14 year old Twitter stalinists read him". "Hes not a serious historian" No analysis of his books, no evidence, no arguments, just the good ol "if liberal academia doesnt approve what you say then its wrong" spiced up with some double genocide bs ("stalinist denial=holocaust denial"). Like literally, Furr cites the same "respectable historians" BE cited in his Holodomor video and arrives pretty much at the same conclusion about the Holodomor, that it wasnt a genocide nor man made (as in intentionally made). And yet, somehow, Grover Furr is a "stalinist holocaust denier". How can you be this stupid? I dont understand, please help.


A russian missile has apparently hit a residential building in Kiev, killing a ukrainian "journalist" working for the ukrainian language edition of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (Radio Svoboda). Remember, RFE/RL is a CIA propaganda arm used to spread anticommunist propaganda. Anyone working for it is a propagandist and a proffessional liar, not a journalist. RIP BOZO Rest in piss you wont be missed. One less liar spreading russophobia and sinophobia ๐Ÿฆ€๐Ÿฆ€๐Ÿฆ€๐Ÿฆ€๐Ÿฆ€๐Ÿฆ€๐Ÿฆ€


More than 98% of Mariupol is under russian and DPR control. Yesterday the last strongholds of the Azov Battalion were the Azovstal industrial plant (a huge industrial complex in Mariupol) and the port of Mariupol. The port has already been liberated by the brave russian and DPR forces, only Azovstal remains, which Azov has made into a fortress. Its okay though, in Azovstal there are no civilians, so the russian artillery will have no problem carpet bombing the Azov nazis to hell. Reports are also emerging of american, british, french and swedish military officers being trapped in Azovstal together with the nazis (they were probably training and aiding Azov). Apparently they are begging Russia to let them out. We will see what happens next, but still, time to celebrate boys! Mariupol is free, Azov has been crushed! ๐Ÿฆ€๐Ÿฆ€๐Ÿฆ€๐Ÿฆ€๐Ÿฆ€๐Ÿฆ€๐Ÿฆ€๐Ÿฆ€๐Ÿฆ€


Hey Comrades, Hungary has just been punished by the EU (by withholding funds) just after Orban won the elections in supermajority. While he undoubtedly is an ultranationalist, anticommunist, homophobic, transphobic, racist far right crackpot, i think we should very critically support him against the EU, since hes the only EU leader that is neutral in the Ukraine War, open to having good relations with Russia and criticizes Zelenski for what he is, a neonazi. What do you think comrades? Should we offer very critical support to Orban or not?

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