
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 months ago (1 children)

Ah my bad. I remember they having bad dlcs and cashgrabby content at launch. Perhaps i'm misremembering. :-)

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 months ago (3 children)

They are banking on the fallout 76 model. Trying to get people to buy lootboxes and whatever.

[–] [email protected] 30 points 7 months ago

Very nice! Unionization is the only way to make employera care about workers rights.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 7 months ago (1 children)

Its sad but linux is still a second class citizen. Nvidea drivers have improved greatly over the years, but it can be still flaky especially newer ones.

Multi moniter support too, it has a history troubled with challenges. Its much much better than it used to be but sometimes there are setups and usecases which have problems. It used to be multiple monitors, just having them as a desktop, was impossible. Nowaday I can daily drive Linux and expect to have a good desktop experience across multiple monitors.

Mindyou, every windows update its a dieroll what breaks for my work surface labtop. Often my display or dock behaviour breaks or my bluetooth, or my networking. Not to excuse the bugs in linux, but to show that even MS on their own hardware have bugs like that. Pcs are hard and even MS can't do it flawlessly.

What you describe as simple multimonitor RDP might actually be a very complex task from a technology and display standpoint.

That being said, it totally sucks having a usecase and finding out that for you have problems getting there. I agree that Linux still has major hurdles for general adoption, (although again, it is so much better than it used to be). Look at it this way: if desktop linux had the same amount of money and development time thrown at it as Windows or MacOS, we'd have a very different experience.

As for tips. I recommend to dualboot. Use MS for your usecases that are not a good experience and use Linux for the other things. Keep checking in with the multiple RDP tech/workflow to see if it works. I did the same thing for years. The only reason I used windows was my games. For other things I used Linux and learned my way around the desktop while doing that. Eventually Proton came along and I could switch entirely.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 7 months ago

Jeah. A bit ie meme if you ask me

[–] [email protected] 0 points 10 months ago (1 children)

I do not understand your question. If you surf the web you should use a vpn. No matter your location. Some locations ask for vpn usage more than others.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 11 months ago (3 children)

Not all heros wear apes. Capes? No. No capes.


Hey all,

I want to start using btrfs on my san/nas and use that as a backend for my nextCloud. Before I had read up on btrfs I was thinking about using RAID1. I thought RAID1 would fulfill my two requirements:

  • It would allow me to just pull out a disk and put in a usb dock and read its contents. (disaster recovery, or for my SO to just power down the server and get her data off if something happens to me).
  • It would simply Mirror the data so a single drive can fail and everything is fine.

Now I read things on the documentation of btrfs and in some other places that the RAID1 implementation of btrfs is non-standard, in that is also has some striping functionality.

The image included is from the btrfs docs and it seems it also stripes, not just mirrors, when using 4 disks.

Now my question is: What is its behaviour when using 2 disks? Will this fullfill my two requirements? If not do you have any other recommendations? (I mean i could use zfs...)

A penny for your thoughs :-).

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Hey all,

Edit: changed confusing wording based on dack's comment.

I have a problem. I'm building a SAN and I'm playing around with btrfs to learn more about how to use it.

I run into the problem where my sdd1 partition is recognized as swap filesystem. I don't understand whats going on here. I formatted all these drives through my usb-dock via my desktop. All the others are fine, so why is this one giving me problems? I tried removing it with parted amd recreating it as btrfs or ext4 doesnt seem to help.

Does anyone have any insight of why this is happening?

root@server :~# lsblk --fs
└─sdc1                       ext4        1.0            e3e8849d-a25e-4235-8ebf-ca84a7637f64                  
└─sdd1                       swap        1              445ae89e-05ef-4fd0-98e3-b592fb2a8a9c                  
└─sde1                       btrfs                      bc864736-2bf6-4379-aa57-46f1c0f3a95d 

Hey all.

I need some advice on how to deal with the adhoc vs planned work. There are emails, tickets and verbal interruptions that need my attention. Additionally there is an incrr sing amount of meetings I need to attend. At the same time I want to focus on the development of the infrastructure for the planned work. I notice that all the interruptions are detrimental to both the planned and the adhoc work.

The fact that I have to switch my attention all the time and can't just focus starts to frustrate me. It also has to do with my adhd. I cant utilize my hyperfocus to finish the planned work, instead it stimulates the attention switching side of my adhd and cant get into the problem. I just notice I am not as effective as I was before I got this workload.

Do you people recognize this struggle? How do you deal with this?


Hey all,

I would like to get the above certifications. What resources did you use to study? I can't afford the official training and my employer doesn't want to pay for it.

Any and all help, and all tales of your experience is aplriciated.