
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 0 points 4 months ago

anyways Terraforming Mars hardly lasts more than 3 hours. I’ve had games at it that lasted 1h45’. It needs that everybody prepare their turn on other player’s turns, and when it’s up to you, you just execute what you planned.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 4 months ago

maybe he just got the opportunity to change air. maybe what we know is all there is, but he wanted to leave and jumped on the train

[–] [email protected] 0 points 5 months ago (7 children)

what other team does mclaren have?

[–] [email protected] 11 points 5 months ago (9 children)

why is everyone praising it? they spent it all on costumes and sets, and forgot to hire an almost decent writer. the script is terrible, it’s full of nonsensical stuff and it feels copypasted from others shows. I really disliked it, and I played all the Fallouts since the 1990’s.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 7 months ago

you’re not getting the full picture. you’re not… “playing”. you’re there and you’re living that experience first hand. you can’t possibly explain it with words. when you see the videos of those people freaking out because they’re walking a plank on top of a skyscraper, it’s not like you’re “playing” to be walking a plank… YOU ARE THERE AND THE PLANK IS UNDER YOUR FEET. to your brain, that’s as real as it can get.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 7 months ago (3 children)

it’s definitely not the same thing, at all. multi-monitor: nice, but you’re still sitting at your desk in your room.

VR: (any, even a CV1) you’re existing in a simulated world that is NOT the one you’re now. you’re comparing apples and bananas.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 7 months ago

ah, shit. i really like his style.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 7 months ago (9 children)

wait… why would you want to carry it with you??

[–] [email protected] 8 points 7 months ago (31 children)

oh god, where do I even start?

first of all, the whole article reeks of bias and entitlement. “I don’t like VR so other people shouldn’t have it!!”

then, it all sounds like this guy never even tried any VR headset, or maybe he puked copiously after his first test.

and he’s constantly baiting and switching: “tim cook only interest is in squeezing money from us rather than releasing new products!!”, and right after “tim cook released a new product and it SUCKS!! even my mother said it!”

I bought a Rift CV1 in 2016, I’ve been waiting for some real VR since the first time I tested a rudimentary headset at a tech convention in 1996 playing Doom and some other VR game. it’s sick. I love it. I spent 10 hours a day in the headset during the first month, then I discovered simracing and it was an absolute blast. But the CV1 suffered the lack of direction outside of gaming. the screens were way too low resolution, it needed a powerful PC, it needed cameras, it needed joysticks, had no pass through so all of this stuff really didn’t make it for an optimal experience outside of gaming. I’ve ever since dreamed a way to use VR to work, and it seems like apple did it… or at least is in the process to.

Apple is not Google, so the Vision Pro is not going away. they’ll keep on refining it and bring it forward because that’s the future. you can’t judge it by now, we’re 5-10 years ahead of mass adoption of this tech, but we can already see what’s going to become.

unfortunately the tech suffered a big, big blowback caused by the boom of cryptocurrencies… we’ve all been waiting for more powerful graphic cards in order to cheaply manage VR, but nVidia was more concerned about making easy bucks selling to bitcoin farms rather than serving their loyal customers… and so VR took a hit around 2020 due to lack of cheap availability.

Facebook created the quest in order to detach their product from the whims of a terrible company like Nvidia, and that has somehow helped. but the Quest is and remains an entertainment product, not something that you can rely on for working.

I think the Vision Pro will be a revolution for those doing 3D modeling, or even programming. When the guy in the article says “you’ll get isolated in your tech!!” I think he knows he’s full of bullshit, because cubicles DO exist and people working at a PC screen is now more isolated than ever.

maybe his job is typing rants from the couch of a hotel on his iphone?

[–] [email protected] 0 points 10 months ago

not the best driver.


Fino a pochi mesi fa facevo il backup automatico online del mio mac (e dei miei dischi esterni) con Backblaze. Poco più di 6€ al mese per avere storage illimitato per poter backuppare automaticamente (con la loro applicazione) tutto il mio computer.

Ultimamente sono diventati un po’ troppo… aggressivi, soprattutto con le notifiche giganti non richieste e che non possono essere disattivate, e questo era diventato un problema gigante, specie nei casi in cui non avevo scordato di ricaricare la carta di credito e un popup gigantesco non di sistema appariva sul monitor mentre era collegato ad un proiettore esterno per lavoro, facendomi imbarazzare abbastanza.

Sto quindi cercando un’alternativa, esiste qualcosa di comparabile a Backblaze? Le alternative che ho trovato o costano 4 volte tanto, oppure hanno limitazioni gigantesche.


When they said Reddit has 2000 employees I was shocked. what could they possibly do onto a website that is basically run by users (and sysadmins) and that is basically feature-wise mature? I really can’t figure out 2000 people working every day on Reddit… on what? just for a quick comparison, the whole IAmA was run by a single person (Victoria), so… what are they doing?