
joined 2 years ago

You have spoken and I've heard your criticisms. I apologize for my reactionary comment and retract my position.

(I am unable to delete my comment as I am banned from that community due to this)

No one is perfect, we are all improving all the time, and I am no different.

Thank you for helping me identify an instance of liberalism which has remained with me since taught which I must correct.

Let there be catgirls

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 year ago

Oh they're here. They're to us in our spaces as MAGA is to mainstream neoliberal spaces - they invade to sabotage, they seek to destroy. We could move to Mars and they'd send space drones with propaganda blasting from speakers.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Browns combined the right and the left into a political leadership over the country, Shea is speaking of bolstering the anti-war movement's numbers and thus power with the right instead.

"that “these people aren’t interested in liberation, they’re only out for self and for kin.”"

This is not how he comes off to me but you are entitled to your opinion.

"I am still not convinced that concepts like Haywood’s Black Belt Republic aren’t the direction my folk should be going in"

Black Americans do not have the numbers to accomplish such a task as a Black Republic and hold it without the US bourgeois state along with the Canadian lapdog seizing the land back. This just isn't realistic. If you want your people to be free, socialism is the best way to achieve such goals because it takes into account the interests of all workers equally. It does not cater only to the needs of black workers, no, however this is not something Marxism aims to do.

"definitely won’t long-knife y’all when your usefulness is through”, that tells me that your movement is predicated on anyone else’s sacrifice but your own, and leaves me considering you as deeply unserious to the point of being literally hazardous to any oppressed folk in your orbit."

I understand your distrust however I remind you that even utilizing race relations analytics defensively is still viewing the world on terms of race. Marx shows us that method of analysis is useless, it is one which serves to create and then re-enforce capitalism.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 year ago

It won't be sacrificial once BRICS finishes their assault on the petrodollar as world currency and the trillions in debt become due. We cannot do all ourselves and thankfully we do not have to.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 2 years ago (1 children)

It means we all know they're lying to and manipulating us through various means including terrorism and psychological warfare...and we're expected to keep calm and carry on as if we don't know what we do.

In other words, more of the same from the circus act

[–] [email protected] 0 points 2 years ago (1 children)

Never let them forget it. The time they brilliantly thought everyone is as shitty as they are on the inside. These supposed "leaders of the civilized world".