I'm pretty sure US companies can still sell to some extent, or at least could, it's mostly their puppets that can't. But even then the second part of the comment is very much right.
Not so much "wasted" as transfered to billionaries and politicians (massive profits on weapon sales) with some loss (actually having to pay to build the items bought and sold).
It's likely, specially as from what I hear China was able to sell steel in Brazil cheaper than the local production too, so something likely changed/improved in China recently. It could be, at least in part, due to less internal demand, but cutting off the middlemen might have helped too.
From what I remember from a few months back the H100 GPU (I think) cost something like 30k and there were a few companies each buying up to 100k of them so something like this makes sense.
So if the demand for this GPUS don't continue high, which is possible as the newer LLMs are smaller and much better while not taking as much compute to run after trained, then what matters is by how much this deman will fall as I really doubt the demand will fall to 0 but we could be one development away from the deman tanking, being maintained or even going up.
The 2.5% in this case comes from all the international trade from Russia in 2023-2024, where 42% use Yuan to 39.5% the dollar.
So not globally passing the dollar yet, but it's nice that there are examples for others to see the new opportunities.
Probably something like the smaller producers sold locally, governing their prices in part by what bigger producers set. Meanwhile, large producer could likely pay for the price discovery, individually or in a group, or they had many contacts which allowed them to have an idea of what would be fair. But it was likely the US was stealing quite a lot as middlemen, which can now be at least atenuated somewhat by having many people trading directly and perhaps even more "state help" to figure out good prices long term.
I would be interested in understanding this better as well, and nice to see that the new system is already being used. Whoever is not using the new system yet will likely do the math to see how good it will be for them.
Even just a country existing independently by themselves is already enough for them to do whatever they can to demonize and attack them as such an independent country will be a symbol of hope for other countrries wanting the same.
That's my thinking as well. I am actually kinda expecting them to do something as they had been responding to attacks on their refineries and looking at the ammount of refinneries, air bases and other things that have been hit recently toghether with the whole Kursk incursion and the west giving green light for the use of their weapons inside Russia, they kinda of are pressed to do what could be the biggest attack since the war started, but I wouldn't be surprised if they just pretend nothing of this happened too and just continue pushing in the east as they may think they will win soon.
But if they do actually do something perhaps they could take the opportunity to do it at the same time as Iran and Yemen, and even others as well, to really show that a red line has been crossed.
The first version needs people to teach it but it already costs less than paying for a worker in many cases.
The second will still need some coaching in some case but will do almost everything by itself out of the box.
The third will know even more and will be much more efficient and cheaper.
By the fourth or fith version their existance and number will likely have completely reshaped how work works making it clear to people that in the not distant at all future no one will need to work again.
If that's the case I'd say not only him but anyone in the world is a viable candidate.
I guess there might have been some confusion from what I said to here.
I never said the Ukrainian puppet regime would never do something like irradiating Russia and Europe by blowing up a nuclear power plant, I just said that if they were going to bomb a nuclear power plant, releasing a lot of nuclear materials, there was no reason for them to go out of their way to get more nuclear materials to throw at it as just blowing it up conventionally would already be spreading a lot of radiation and adding more would likely not even make a difference.
So, either they would be attacking the nuclear power plant with conventional weapons or they would get nuclear materials to attack a city with a dirty bomb, but there is no need to attack a nuclear power plant with a dirty bomb as it is redundant and counter productive, so it might be that the news is either really bad propaganda or mistranslated/misreported.
I'm not even sure he has fully realized it though.