
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 0 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

Allies also shooting the target doesn't really make it better, in the end it still results in needing lots of hits to strip - likely more than it's required to kill.

It still sounds like this is all more due to Verglas being OP than anything to do with Citrine, if it alone accounts for instant 80% armor strip. With a companion, shards and corrosive weapon even Loki can fully armor strip then, it has nothing to do with the wf or prismatic gem.

I'm not saying it doesn't help, each free corrosion stack when near Citrine helps a bit even if you dont equip emerald shards. In my experience though, in practice, it's easier to just cast pillage, immediately fully strip that thrax centurion and oneshot him than depending on corrosive stacks building up. It's just too slow.

edit: You mentioned mutlishot boltor, I dont think prismatic gem triggers off multishot otherwise shotguns would be completely busted with it. Shooting an enemy with a single shotgun blast doesn't proc the gem a dozen times afaik, maybe it has an internal cooldown.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 6 days ago (2 children)

Prismatic Gem has a 25% to inflict toxic (corrosive) status per tick. It takes 14 corrosive stacks to fully armor strip something with emerald shards. It means it takes ~56 hits on average on an enemy before they get fully armor stripped.

I don't really see how is that optimal. Even if we have a weapon doing corrosive damage (which is not common since viral is meta now) reducing this time in half, it's still over 20 hits - I want most of my enemies dead before I hit them 5 times, not 20 or 50.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago) (4 children)

The perfect warframe.

DR: check
Self heal: check
Energy generation: check
CC: check
Damage: check
Status priming: boy do i even need to say it
Synergy with other weapons: check (both status and crit)
Decent default range and duration of abilities: check

She's one of my main go-to frames for difficult endgame content and she never lets me down. The only thing she lacks is armor strip but this is easily solved by helminthing pillage over her #4, if you don't want to build around it anyway. I've also seen people talk about doing it with green archon shards and corrosion status but the math never checked out for this for me, it takes way too many hits and too long to fully strip an enemy this way.

I didn't know people had issues with her acquisition, I got a few parts out of the mirror defense and then bought the rest with the currency. It was one of the first frames with the pity currency mechanic and i thought people were happy enough with it ngl

[–] [email protected] 0 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

I liked it at first when it was slower paced, required teamwork and felt like a battleship. I loved the idea and the theme of having a ship with people in it. Then it slowly turned into boom and zoom dogfighting thats easier with NPC crew than other players, except it still somehow feels floaty and janky despite being a high speed game mode. The technical issues and progression is improved over launch but everything else about the mode is just not satisfying or fun to me anymore.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 4 weeks ago* (last edited 4 weeks ago) (2 children)

I know it works well, I just personally really dislike the concept of shieldgating. what do you even dump in favor of pillage, her #1 ability?

[–] [email protected] 0 points 4 weeks ago* (last edited 4 weeks ago) (4 children)

I never got her to click with me but I recently took her into a SP circuit and holy hell... that was a wild ride, electricity procs for ages all over the map. Tons of energy to spare, electricity procs from various weapon decrees, it was amazing.

The only issue, as usual with frames that don't have any built-in defenses, is lack of DR to tank higher level enemies, so you either gotta shieldgate or dodge and toggle operator like a chipmunk on heroin I guess. I do like how all her abilities fit together though, none are free helminth slots.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Updating with screenshots of my final build, it works extremely well and I love it. It's funny to me that after all these years of warframe, of all the changes and new mechanics, in the end my favorite warframes are Frost and Ember 😁

My Frost and his Glaxion (if you dont want to use bane mods or want a generic kill-all build, just use vital sense instead). I use a Hound for priming, I have enough energy to replace zenurik with madurai and secondary/melee you can take whatever you want. Glaive Prime actually goes extra well with this since its critical chance comes to around 120% if I did my Biting Frost calculations well, which is better than the usual build's default of 70% in terms of proccing Melee Duplicate


I've been procrastinating obtaining these for years but now I'm thinking that I'm missing out. I was hoping someone needs any mods from syndicates I'm friendly with and would like to exchange some.

I am negative with New Loka / Perrin Sequence so I'm offering any syndicate mods (or other items) from the other 4 syndicates in exchange. I'm missing 13 mods from Loka, not sure if there are any unique ones in Perrin.

Can be available in afternoons, central EU timezone

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Good to know about HM, I thought it might be good due to frost's biting force but I was never a fan of it. I should try punch though, I didn't know it works with beams like that. In that case primed shred is superior to vile acceleration in every way and it will probably make shivering contagion obsolete too, thanks!

No Vital Sense? Does it not stack well with Photon Overcharge, I thought they'd go hand in hand and stack crit dmg to ludicrous amounts?

I only have cold and magnetic on the glax, hound is doing most of the priming but i've been eyeing radiated reload if i have spare mod slots one day... but I will probably put a faction mod instead.

I'm using a basic stretch over overextended since strength affects the added cold modifier of Freeze Force too, and I don't want to be freezing enemies too far from objectives anyway. With just BR+OE the armor strip on #4 is below 100% too so I'd need more mods, archon shards or molt augmented to get it back to over 100%.

I'll probably go Nourish+Equilibrium once I have photon overcharge but for now I'm slotting in a regular streamline+arcane grace.


I just took anything synergizing with cold damage and put it on Frost and it works pretty well!


  • Biting Frost augment
  • Arcane Ice Storm
  • Freeze Force augment
  • Icy Avalanche ofc

Tenet Glaxion

  • Shivering Contagion
  • Primary Frostbite arcane
  • Photon Overcharge (still missing this one but soon I'm adding it too)

Glaxion melts everything in front of you, spreads cold like crazy which also adds ability strength and duration due to arcane ice storm, you have huge crit chance and dmg, you have excellent armor strip and can easily generate overguard.

Since no merciless on glaxion you have to run serration but if I had max rank arachne I'd maybe try that instead of arcane grace once I have photon overcharge from NW. Am I missing anything else thats fun and that could be added to the mix?

Not sure if I should go with vile acceleration on glaxion or maybe add something like hunter munitions or bladed rounds instead.

In any case, it takes a bit to set up the whole build but it feels very thematic and flexible, Frost really becomes even more of a powerhouse with it, I only ever used him for his bubble until now.

edit: I'm also thinking about what to subsume over his #2 since it seems kinda useless, it is low damage and you have plenty of cold procs even without it. Nourish might be the boring but safe option?

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 month ago (2 children)

I know she got better but between the clunky merulina, many abilities being CC in a game filled with overguard enemies nowadays and her style, I was never too interested in dumping any forma in her.

Also, I know Merulina adds DR but it does so by redirecting it from Yareli into Merulina's HP, and its defenses are not affected by adaptation or other sources of DR, right? Doesn't this mean you will get practically instantly dismounted in any high level mission?

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 month ago

I guess we're waiting for the akmagnus incarnon adapter? :P

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 month ago

I remember reading that Secondary Encumber only works on the first target hit, not on any other chained beam victims, so its not that good on nukor though

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 month ago

I really like Lavos but I've been waiting for years now for DE to make it so it remembers your last cast element instead of making you re-select it over and over again before every cast.

I also haven't tried him in EDA so not sure how reliable is his health/armor tanking there, but in regular SP it was always more than enough.

Had no idea Valence Formation augment exists (red veil and loka are red for me 😥) but that one looks amazing for the profit taker, right? I should try it one of these days


The entrati armcannon doesn't really seem to live up to its hype - the normal fire is just slow rifle-like fire with no aoe or punch through and the incarnon mode seems to be a big short lived beam with low damage, short range and width, and can only fire a few times before running out of charge.

Am I missing something, like how to build it, or is it really underwhelming?


It's busted as hell but I really like it. It's a simple change in the overall gameplay but having to look out for this quick popup and being rewarded with a free heavy attack is such a neat addition to the experience.

I've pretty much switched to Naramon on all frames because of it.


For example the new grimoire needs to kill enemies in order to proc its bonus. Trumna needs to kill enemies to get alt-fire charges. You need to land the killing blow to proc Merciless.

For those who don't know, the Wyrd Scythes+Doom combo places a mark on enemies that gathers/stores damage for a few seconds and when that damage exceeds the enemy's remaining HP, it triggers and kills them with true damage.

If you're playing Dagath and using your doom abilities, are you inadvertently kill-stealing and making it impossible for your allies to complete these on-kill challenges? Or for that matter even for yourself?

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Over the years I've filled my Warframe bookmark folder with various useful websites, maybe you don't know some of them and hopefully you find them useful! Do let me know if I'm missing any and if you want me to add it to the list.

Honorary mention to the one and only Warframe Wiki 🎉

Tenno Tools - timers, cycles, limited time events
Warframe Hub - various timers but also much more (good resource for open worlds, synthesis targets, etc)

Warframe Market - no introduction needed I hope, this is the place to go if you wanna trade
Riven Market - riven trading

Overframe - find popular and meta builds
Semlar amp builder - also zaws and kiguns but check the rest of the site for other useful tools too

Warframe Squads - LFG tool for relic sharing
Warframe Reliquary - fissure tracking tool
Tenno Zone - (now outdated) tool to plan out your prime hunting and relic farming adventures

Synthesis Target Locations - where to find easiest/guaranteed synthesis targets
The Ultimate Fortuna Guide - it seems the site isn't updated anymore but you could still find some good intel there

Shawzin Documentation - everything you wanted to know about the shawzin, and more
Mmmm glyphs
Mandachord Songs - probably the biggest song list you can find, have fun Octavia mains

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