
joined 2 months ago
[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (1 children)

You are of the opinion that a worker-controlled business (I'm not only talking about small business btw) = higher prices and inefficient production? If so, why is that?

Also, money in the hands of workers instead of capitalists = only virtue signalling? I'm not understanding this, sorry. Please explain?


I want create an organisation (or work for an already created one) that provides support to companies that wish to be worker-controlled and certify those companies such that people can choose these companies when making purchasing decisions.

The needs I can immediately see are clear organising agreement templates for the company guaranteeing worker control, worker ownership scheme policy templates (e.g., when a worker leaves), and worker voting policy templates. Perhaps after an organisation has implemented these controls, they may be listed as a certified worker-controlled establishment.

Background: I'm a anarcho-communist and when I need to consume, I would love to give power to worker-controlled institutions instead of capitalists. I have found few databases of worker-controlled businesses and none that were providing any goods/services I would actually need on a usual basis. I'm a corporate lawyer (fuck me) so I understand the governance required to distribute profits within a company. I don't see an organisation providing guidance to new businesses started by workers who want to keep their interests where they should be, returning profits to workers.

Do you have any thoughts on this, comrades? Worth the effort?

[–] [email protected] 0 points 2 weeks ago

I use Boost. Seems ok.



[–] [email protected] 0 points 2 months ago (1 children)

I am currently in a slightly similar situation (bought flat 1.5 years ago, was laid off, decided to leave country, if I sell I will incur fines from bank/loss vs purchase price).. I decided to rent the home until I could sell it and 'break even' hopefully in 2 years. I set the rent at as close to what I have to pay the bank+insurance+small amount (<100€) for impending repairs. This was under market (I did not actually research the market) as I received a lot of interest and comments when I posted it. I met about a dozen potential tenants in person. I let them know that I did not want to be a landlord and that I would be selling the place as soon as I could break even but that I would be the best landlord I could be regarding the living situation in the flat. I rent to a woman who seems happy with the arrangement. I hate being a landlord but I also don't want to suffer more financial hardship after being laid off and leaving country. I figure I am at least helping someone to live in a decent place for a 'fair' price that would be hard to come by otherwise.. Further, not making actual cash profit makes me feel a bit better. But I am creating equity in the property as I pay down the principal ever-so-slowly using this woman's rent money.. I don't feel good about it on the whole and will be happy to be rid of it.