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[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 months ago (2 children)

I can agree with all that. I still defend Odyssey because it grew on me. Once I looked at it as an odyssey it clicked for me. From the moment Odysseus leaves Ithaca to fight in the Trojan war until he gets back everything he does is on an epic scale, so epic it all starts looking mundane when compared to each other. That’s the problem with the game, it’s so vast and huge it just loses meaning of itself within its own glory and majesty. Ubisoft really captured that spirit for me.

My school teachers would be so proud that asking me to read the Iliad and the Odyssey finally paid off. Growing an appreciation for video games was probably not what they had in mind.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 3 months ago (4 children)

I’m playing Unity right now and I’m about to switch to something else. I really like Unity, it is also the biggest collect-a-thon since ACIII. Referring to my earlier point, the maps for the collections are largely locked behind additional purchases.

I had the same complaint about Syndicate, really felt like you were hacking away for way too long on even basic enemies. And again locked behind mtx was basic gameplay balancing.

Origins was great because although it had largely the same mtx issues the new mechanics allowed you to work around them. Odyssey then rolls around and undoes much of the changes Origins made in that regard. It’s an obvious pattern of using questionable design to boost margins.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 3 months ago

You joke but I would totally come back to CoD if they went 3rd person. Haven’t played since 2011 MW3

[–] [email protected] 9 points 3 months ago (7 children)

Couldn’t agree more, currently rotating between Unity, Syndicate, Origins and Odyssey and the difference between the first two and the last two is massive. By the time you reach Odyssey it truly stopped feeling like an AC game. Still really like Origins though, vaguely felt true to the spirit of the rest of the series while introducing really nuanced and interesting changes.

My biggest complaint for all of them is how mtx is interwoven with in-game progression. Played them all on PS4 and they felt like a real slog to get through. Now on PC where I indulged and unlocked those features for free they feel accurately balanced. That’s the real problem with Ubi’s games. At some point features are hacked out to be monetized and squeeze out some extra dollars.

Not to mention how predatory the helix credit system is/was, haven’t played Valhalla nor Mirage.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 3 months ago (2 children)

Take my advice with a grain of salt, I have a very polarizing style or so I’ve been told but fuck the haters.

If you are able to get two, something you feel cute in and something you feel conservative/comfortable in. There’s no shame in getting to where you are going and feeling over exposed and having the option to change into something with a little more shielding so to speak is a life saver. Conversely you might not have been feeling that confident when you left but once you arrive you get that surge and you have the option of feeling cuter, options are never a bad a thing. A cover up is amazing, either a waist down or shoulders down are great to have.

Plan on getting your hair wet if you’re going in the water, unless you get a swimming cap but they aren’t very flattering. As for how to manage it, the tightest bun you know and like. Tightest at the top of your head (the crown) and looser as your work your way to the base (the nape). There’s great tutorials on YouTube but I’m on a very stringent boycott so someone else will have input on that.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 months ago

It was meant to be a triple pun on meow, Muenster cheese and Herman Munster from the classic American TV show The Munsters. My partner thought it was too many puns for one name to handle

[–] [email protected] 0 points 3 months ago (4 children)

If you are able to go with someone else there is safety in numbers. Not just from the general public but from your own mind. Buying a swimsuit can easily overwhelm your sense of self worth so having someone who is championing for you is invaluable.

As for style, whatever you feel cute in. Nothing looks better than confidence in what you’re wearing.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 3 months ago (2 children)

Then you won’t be sorry to learn that we zeroed in on cheese names almost immediately and that Herman Meownster was seriously considered for him. Ultimately Colby Jack won out but I often wonder what if…

[–] [email protected] 7 points 3 months ago

Well Ito sounds absolutely precious so I doubt anyone could resist his wiles. It’s so bad in our home that we started a rule that cats must do something other than be cute to get treats or catnip. Treats for tricks we call it, so if they’re good for getting claws trimmed or if they stand on their hind legs for us and things of that nature.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 3 months ago

Rowena is not food motivated at all, until recently we couldn’t get her to accept treats. She will also let you know she’s had enough by walking away, she eats way less treats than you think would be enough to satiate. On the other hand she’s crazy about catnip, she will employ the glare if she doesn’t think you’ve given her enough.

Colby Jack is crazy food motivated. We’ve taught him to spin in place for wet food and are working on doing it by command. He will also lead you to the treats. He likes to plop right in front of you and show belly, then when you reach down to pet him he gets up and walks towards the treat cupboard.

I’m sure you could get cats to do all sorts of things with a little patience and a heckin’ lot of catnip and treats.

[–] [email protected] 19 points 3 months ago (1 children)

I absolutely believe that cats understand more than what they let on.

My parents have two cats, Odin and Honey. Odin is a senior cat now but he’s always been sweet as pie. His default position when someone shows up to the home is that they have come for him and must pay tribute to his belly. Honey is pretty typical, if she smells something funny in the air she’s gone before the dust settles.

So one day I come over to my parent’s house to mind the place while they are away and after successfully tithing Odin’s belly I start to look for a place to set my belongings. Off-hand I remark to the cat that I haven’t seen Honey in a while and he should go get her. Odin leaves and I don’t think much of it, kitty shenanigans or whatever they do. I finish putting away my things and I see Honey trotting down the hall, then I hear her yelp because Odin is hot on her heels nipping at her legs.

You believe what you want to about but I know what I do.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 months ago

Paper tigers.

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