
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 year ago

Oh ja, wenn das Schneeball System nicht funktioniert, probieren wir es doch einfach mit einem 2 Dimensionalen Schneeball System.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 year ago (1 children)

School uniforms are a terrible concept in every way.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 year ago

Thank you mate.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 year ago

but congratulations on taking that step and opening up a new chapter for yourself.

Thank you

Sometimes we all need to be reminded that it's never too late to start being yourself and living your best life.

There is still a lot I have to do to live my best life but its a start


It took me more then 10 years(Me 27) years to do that. I was so afraid. But I had luck, it went well.
With 17 I started to accept what I am, but I was just to afraid. I did come out many years ago to a select group of a few, one of them died, two slowly left my life which really hurt me, and one was left, no one else was left who knew.
But I saw that it eventually just really destroyed my mental health and I thought now or it will kill me.

I just hope that the next generations will not have to have this painful experience, because yet it truly was painful.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 year ago (1 children)

It so happens that gen-z actually ranks lower in advanced tech skills. Gen-Z learned to use tech, but not to understand it as much as those of us who experienced the early-to-mid internet and computers.

The kids today do not even know what a folder is, or what filesystems do. I am scared about our all future.
We need to do it like the brits, give every kid a Rasperry Pi in school and teach them actual computer skills, not Excel.


I use twitter and I really like the furry art community on there. I also like Mastodon or related ActivityPub services.

Due to recent events lots of people search for alternatives and I feel just very frustrated see all those artists looking for Zucks Threads or Jacks Bluesky when Mastodon is right there, without a chance of a twitter situation ever happening again. They seem to avoid Mastodon like cats avoiding water.
What have we done wrong, and how can we make it better.