He is projecting
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Originally r/DataisBeautiful
And perhaps setting up the grounds for another insurrection attempt
I mean, everything that his supporters, backers, and fanatics have been saying leans towards, at least, a bloody, violent, "revolution".
In other words, civil war.
The fact that Donald Trump was ever allowed to take office at all the first time around, that the Democratic institutions of checks and balances, the least of which being The Electoral College, could not stop an obviously dangerous and unqualified Fascist for assuming the highest office in the nation, has shattered my faith in the US system of Government more than anything Donald Trump has ever said or done. The fact he is now in a statistical polling tie a the Republican nominee, and poised to utterly destroy American Democracy, for good this time, two weeks out from another Presidential election, having been convicted of 34 Felony criminal charges, has me wondering how anyone at all can look at everything that's happened and rely on the US form of election again, ever.
Failed state, doing failed state things, because it's a failed state.
At least the plutocracy got to grind them tears and bones into profit!
Yes but did you vote /s
Yes, but did you vote? -- Except, for me, no /s. If you didn't vote, you're the problem.
How so?
People like you should be dragged into an alley and get the shit kicked out of you until you decide to care about our country.
The good news is, under Trump, that's actually likely to happen! Except then you'll probably be shot.
Don't threaten me with a good time
If you don't like where shit is heading, and you're not part of one of the only tools we're given to correct course, then it's the same as pure apathy.
Coming online and bitching about it is next to worthless. Slacktivism at its finest.
If you're just here to suggest the same tired idea and insult strangers I don't think you have a strong argument
"If you don't like a politician, vote against them" is the same tired idea?
Weird, mind pointing out exactly where I insulted you? Because playing victim isn't an argument at all; despite you believing my argument is 'strong' or not.
Sure buddy, no problem.
- bitching on the internet
- next to worthless
- Slacktivism
The topic at hand is: I don't want to chat with you further because of the way you communicated. I would prefer to discuss this with someone who does not communicate this way.
So, thank you so much, but I'm just going to have to stop now because my worthless bitching and playing-the-victim strategy was no match for your powerful logic. You are superior to me. You win. I lost. You saw through me and my excuses-after-excuses ploy. Blast! Until next we meet, fated interloper.
You should really get some better reading comprehension. "Bitching is next to worthless" was the context. This is of the topic regarding voting. Voting is what you do - bitching on the internet doesn't get candidates elected.
And I told you what you were doing was slacktivism. That's literally the definition of it -- going on the internet and bitching about things, instead of....
The fact that you believe that those were insults directed at YOU as a person, instead of your actions...is where you need to grow. You can do better. If you want to.
Devastating! Love it. Thank you.