Your drop shadow is bad and you should feel bad.
Anarchist Memes
This forum is for anarchists to circlejerk and share zesty memes
This feels like a PSA against axolotls
maybe it is
Cri harder axie boy.
it’S juST HumAN NAtURe.
Who thinks this? Literally everyone thinks things must change.
If this was true, nobody would resist political progressives.
Are you kidding? Do you have any idea how many people will throw their hands up and say “well that’s just the way it is” when confronted with any kind of challenge? Have you never heard a single person say “well life’s not fair” when you complain about something obviously broken that benefits them disproportionately?
And conservatives want change, sure, but it’s more the undoing of progress than anything and is essentially trying to getting everything to stand still.
You need to touch some grass if you really believe this. Lol.
You are totally right, have the better arguments, are rhetorically superior and still get downvoted. But that's just life, human nature so to speak. Nothing can be done about it.
I have seen these people with my own two eyes plenty of times. They are at jobs, homes, and everywhere else.
You’re a little dense, huh? “Lol”
Two eyes!? Nevermind. You're so smart and clever, it must be true. Lol