You spend your gold and waste an inventory slot, like a sucker ๐
Pixel Dungeon
This community is a place to talk strategies, tell stories, or discuss anything related to Pixel Dungeon or its many versions.
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If nothing else I think they're useful for leveling up the chalice of blood faster
What cross are you talking about? Ankhs are the only thing that comes to mind and you buy those at the shops at the start of each 5 level set, so 6,11,16, etc. Ankhs provide a resurrection if you die but you won't have your gear or any potions etc, so you have to run back to the site at which you died where you will find a backpack with all your stuff.
If you use water from your water pouch to bless an ankh then it provides a resurrection in the same place with all of your gear.
Not actually a resurrection, you heal instead of die and the ankh is consumed.
And you get like 10 turns of invincibility. The healing of a blessed ankh is of like 25% your hp, and the heal of an unblessed ankh is of 100% + whole saturation back. This had nothing to do with the invincibility, just pointing it out.
It explodes in a burst of life giving energy. Both understanding work.